Electric cutout on Jersey style dump


Regal of the Dark Order
Aug 28, 2001
I've seen pictures of folks with the electric exhaust cutout on the "Jersey" downpipes, which have the dump that points straight to the ground (versus the side exiting). My question on this is, how would this be for daily driving? Since the motor and all is kinda sticking out to the side, and exposed to any elements under the car while driving. With the side exiting dump, the motor can be positioned safely upward behind the frame rail. I'm interested in getting one of these, for my DP I'm about to install. However, the car is driven daily, and dont want anything to damage the cutout motor if it hangs too low. What are some of your opinions or experiences on this?
I just ordered my cutout for the Jersey dump, I'm glad you brought that to my attention, I saw Mr Tee's set up and it looked sweet. I will have to make sure mine comes in the same way.
matt theres a picture on my webshots the 2nd page of my cars album...ill take another picture if you want tonight when i get home from work just let me knwo...
http://www.buickgn.com/jerseycutout.jpg Here's a pic of a customer's installation on a Jersey dump. As far as I know he hasn't had any problems with clearance. Of course I wouldn't go driving fast over speed bumps.

Ooops. Just realized that Mr Tee is the customer who has the Jersey dump. Maybe he can chime in here on whether he had clearance problems or not.

If you need to reverse the motor it is a pretty simple job, just takes about 5-10 minutes.
exactly Steve Kaminski...reversed the motor and I havnt had any clearance issues...I would call him for the details...if you want better pics Ill grab some let me know...
Thats cool, no more pics needed. Looks like it should be fine. I'll just have Steve flip the motor around for me. I dont think I'll be getting one for a while, as I'm broke as a convict right now. Maybe in a few more weeks. I plan on installing my downpipe this weekend though. That is if I dont get involved with the other half of my t-top weather stripping project. :rolleyes:

I'm sure I'll just get Mark's, since the motor can be reversed, and I trust his quality much more.
Hey Matt, let me know how the T-top weatherstrip replacement goes that is a project I'll need to do soon:mad:
lol.. It sucks! Royal pain in the arse for someone like myself, whos never attempted it before. Nah, its not too bad. It just takes a lot of time. And if you dont have a garage or a daily driver, it requires a good weather forcast.

I havent finished yet. Only completed the passenger side. Still trying to figure out how I'm going to get the window adjusted, etc.