Eating Rice (again)



While crusing down I-40, going to a friends house, I noticed a white Honda coming up in my rear-view. He got along side of me and I glanced over at him. It had "Greddy" written in BOLD black letters that started from the passenger side fender and stopped somewhere across the hood. He had the usual stove-pipe hanging from the rear, big tach, carbon fiber blah, blah, blah. I noticed when they pulled along side, the passenger rolled his window down reveiling them laughing. Whether they were laughing because they KNEW there was NO way they were beating THIS GN, or because they actually thought they would walk on me. Honest enough, I was going to let him pass, knowing a couple of weeks prior, I killed a Honda on a 150 shot. So, I wasn't interested in wasting gas again. ~BUT~ when he passed, he just HAD to let me hear how loud and annoying that bumble-bee exhaust he had was.
I pulled along side of him and looked over giggling at them. I pointed ahead for him to 'give it all it had' and he nails it...(I think?) With NO boost, I mash it about 3/4 throttle and catch up to him.....hum..their not laughing anymore???? (But I was) I shook my head at them and pressed the pedal to the floor leaving them quite a distance behind.
They stayed a couple of car lengths behind me the rest of the trip...he/they would'nt pull along side of me. I guess he was another high dollar Honda going no where FAST! :rolleyes:
Good job! Ricers should be spanked at every reasonable opportunity. None of this "I don't want to waste the gas on them" stuff.
I also second that. EVERY opportunity I get to prove the GN is the baddest car on the street, I do it! I don't care if it's a 4 cylinder piece of crap or not. Eventually word will get around and everyone will be in awe of our cars if they aren't already!:D
See, the thing is that they think those stickers give them more horsepower, so they put alot on their cars. SH*t he probably thought that greedy sticker was going to give him like 15 extra horses. I realy don't like wasting my gas on them, but they just get too anoying sometimes.

Keep Boostin'