Do you think this was excessive force?

With all due respect I don't think so. I'm so tired of people thinking they can treat LEO's or our military folk with such disrespect and then thinking they deserve not to be held accountable. Just like our border agent who shot the 15yo thug while being pelted with rocks. What are they supposed to do, just take it? If these people are willing to attack a ARMED LEO then what do you think they will do to the average citizen....
Very tough call, but look how he is the only white guy around and how vulnerable he must have felt. In no case should ANYONE do anything but subdue to a cop.
Looks like the officer was being assaulted not by 1 but by 2 women.

So where is actions justified?
It's good to see one of those loud mouth bitches get what they ask for!!! You mess with the bull you get the horns! Looks justified to me! :cool:
The only thing is idk if it will play out that way..Cause anytime a man hits a woman and its brought to light its curtains for him cop or not.. Would everyone be saying the same thing if it was a regular dude and not a cop that she was tusseling with idk....
the difference is that he is a cop and not a regular dude, and you just dont attack a cop. that cop never knows what man/woman might do while attacking and they are in alot of crazy situations day in and day out. i also think he shouldve busted out with the taser though, thats always funny.
She assaulted the Officer. Plain and simple. If you look closely, she has her hands up in a fight stance with her fist balled up. He was justified in protecting himself. It was said the department policy allows a punch to be used to subdue an unruly subject so he is covered in that aspect as well. She was definitely unruly. If you commit violence then expect violence in retaliation. In other words, if you're going to fight like a man, expect to get hit like a man.
disobeying a police officer

resisting, assault, interfering with a LEO,
justified! yes!
Well, the punch served sure as hell it's purpose. He didn't have any more problems out of her. Although, a tasering would have been much more entertaining. I don't know if the officer had pepper spray or a taser with him.

Anyway, I'd say it's justified if a crowd of people are gathering and starting to interfere with a lone officer trying to make an arrest. I don't know what people think the officer should have done in this situation. I think I'd prefer to take a punch instead of a taser, pepper spray or metal asp strikes to the joints.
She was the aggressor SHE chose to attack him he reacted to the situation.... I highly doubt he even thought about it being a man/woman at the time. I also wouldnt want to use my tazer on her with that much of a crowd around, never know if he might need it for one of the "people" watching.
I watched..

the Fox news interview w/ the police assn spokesman.
While they were talking, the vid was playing.
He had a harder time subduing the bitch in black than the 1 in orange..After about the 2nd attempt to cuff her, it shoulda been LIGHTS OUT!
The 1 in orange had had enuf when he rang her chimes w/ that shot to the kisser.:D
AIRC it was revealed this isn't her first "rodeo" w/ the pd..She tried to ride the bull, and didn't last 8 secs!
Had any of the rest of the a$$clowns there gotten any closer, I'm confident they would have been looking at the business end of a 40 cal..[Probably a familiar sight to most of them];)
When your on a call you have to make a split second decision that an attorney will dissect for about 6 months. Kinda sucks. If it was my call I would have decked both of them. It was 2 on one with no back up around.
The original woman should have got a swift elbow to the head as soon as she started to take the officers back at the end of the clip. Not that it would have, but if a 2 on 1 situtation arises it's a very good case for a deadly force action. Notice how we only see a short into and the punch THEN the "cut" it. Wonder what would happen if we saw the entire tape???