Dissapointed a Roush Mustang owner

Mike T

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2013
The timing of this is unbelievable!! Had the car out this morning for a test drive after repairing a harness issue. I was looking for an area to make a PowerLogger pull from 3rd gear because of 2nd being a little soft right now. I found a good area of divided 4 lane and made a u turn, I see a black car way off in the distance but it's not going to be an issue for what I was trying to do.

After making the u turn I start to roll into the throttle to get past 2nd to make the pull. I'm now @ about 50 and look over to the left and can't believe my eyes the only other car around is this late model Roush Mustang!! Well he looks at me nods and just that quick he stood on it so I do the same, mine down shifted and I had to nurse it back into 3rd ! By now he has 2 on me but I'm in third and the boost is coming up I didn't look over as I passed him now in 4th I stay in it. When I did look in the rear view there was a little bit of black fuel smoke from my car and the Mustang was an unbelievable 10 back!! I'm shaking because I had never stayed in it that long but my first thought was the powerLogger file! I look down on the seat and it's in monitor mode NOT RECORD ! So now I'm excited and pissed!

All of this unfolded so quickly I forgot to hit record but it was kinda worth it when we both ended up at a traffic light for a split second and as I was checking out his pillar pod loaded with gauges he gave me the old
" hang 10 sign " and drove away.
Excellent. Would have been a sweet PL log with you staying in it so long. I know the feeling of the shakes, got the same with my first kill.

Great job, even better that it was a Mustang.
Thanks Guys! That would have been the tell all PowerLogger file because it was never my intention to stay in it so long and I don't intend on doing that again. That 70 has such a unbelievable steady pull you do not realize how quickly you are gaining speed. There was no sign of the car falling off and that little bit of black smoke to me was a good thing.
That was an awesome story, and great kill! As for the shakes, they get even worse when you have your opponent next to you the whole time going that fast and pulling, and you just don't know who will edge out who in the end, that feeling never goes away lol, its like a damn high. Again, awesome story and great kill... :D
Even though we are always doing something to these cars it's times like this that remind me of why we do it.
I believe you can hit record on the PL and it will get the previous 40 seconds. Just in cad it happens again .

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I believe you can hit record on the PL and it will get the previous 40 seconds. Just in cad it happens again .

That's good to know. I opened the PL and hit record just to see if I could recover anything and nothing was there. Does it need to be during active monitoring to recover it ?
Yes. Active monitoring. If you are just monitoring and you realize something of interest just happened you can hit record and it will be there.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
If I had known this a few hours ago we would have some good stuff to review right now. Thanks for the info.
That's good to know. I opened the PL and hit record just to see if I could recover anything and nothing was there. Does it need to be during active monitoring to recover it ?
set up your PL to record off of the TPS,that's how i have mine set up,as soon as it see's 4.0 volts
Dang, now thats a cool idea

I remembered seeing it in the set up page but had forgotten about it until BIGPSI brought it up & being able to record the prior 40 seconds is a nice option that was new to me.