dirt cheap car shipping????


Moderator / Curmudgeon
May 24, 2001
I need a car shipped dirt cheap. I'm looking at a car in Fort Worth Texas, I need to get it shipped about 750 miles to Tennessee. It has no engine, and it is not a cream puff. It is a small light weight car that I'm going to play with. Anyone know who I can get to ship this thing dirt cheap?
All jokes aside the carriers charge you extra if its an "inop"
motor vehicle u-haul truck with trailer one way is what I usually use to move around cars (if I dont use my truck with a trailer)
That works out to about the same as I can have it shipped for ($700). Costs about $255 to fly there, about $400 to rent a truck (they don't rent p/u trucks for long distance, only local), and about $100 to rent the dolly.
Damn a u-haul trailer here is $49.99 and $80 for one way rental
have any friends with a truck ?
I've got a truck, it's an 81 Chevy crew cab dooley, complete with a 454 and 4:11 gears. I was trying to avoid making that long haul with that old truck. While it gets as much as 14 mpg , it's almost as old and tired as I am. I've got a trailer too, or I could rent a dolly when I got there.
Not up to me but I would drive that bad boy 81 down there take your time, and do the same coming back with a tow dolly (it would suck to go with an empty trailer)
Hey, check out under my screen name. Give Southerland Auto Transport a call. But, expect that you will be cussed out and made to feel like you're asking for the earth on a string, and your car is likely to come in the form of a nice little cube.

I don't care how cheap you are, do NOT call these losers. You will be sorry, and you will be waiting......a loooong time....