convertingto e85 and need help with parts


Aug 12, 2014
My list of mods is in sig ecm is modded goint to use 120# need help with the pump going double pumper need advice on wich one.thanks
My list of mods is in sig ecm is modded goint to use 120# need help with the pump going double pumper need advice on wich one.thanks

A single DW300 pump can max that setup out... and the turbo will be all in to do it
120's is a bit too much injector for that turbo too. Better off with 80's.
I know it is I'm planning on bigger turbo and converter

Ahh .. so your going to fuel and turbo the car large enough to hurt the stock motor ???

What turbo are you thinking of going with ?

Only reason I ask is because for a REALLY fun street car a 44 with 80's and a 300 pump is a serious blast.. and still keeps the combo in 1 piece on a stock motor.... add enough fuel and turbo and the stock motor becomes the weak link
If you want to fully support the 120's 100%, you would need the twin walbro 255's (aka 340) with a volt booster. About 800lb/hr.

Or twin DW300's without a volt boost. A bit over 800lb/hr.

Definitely avoid the aeromotive stealth pumps. Not E85 friendly.

I'm running twin DW300's with a volt boost myself.
Wasn’t there a thread on here explaining that volt boosters were bad for an alternator and didn’t help much?

Just trying to clarify. It’s late but my brain has a recollection.

My list of mods is in sig ecm is modded goint to use 120# need help with the pump going double pumper need advice on wich one.thanks

If you're converting to e85, IMO, you should not use any factory (rubber) fuel and/or return lines. I definitely wouldn't! You need to replace the fuel and return lines with an e85 (Teflon/PTFE) approved fuel line. I've read that e85 is pretty corrosive stuff, and on more then several occasions have destroyed conventional fuel lines. Now, I'm no expert, but, I've done some research on e85 (because that's what I'm going to use for my application) and the companies that sell the e85 rated/approved performance pumps (Weldon, Racetronics) (I'm sure there's others too) also strongly recommend Teflon/PTFE fuel line for e85 applications. They said if you don't you'll have a bunch of problems. You will need the proper fuel filters, too. One more thing, I would make sure that the pump you want to use for your application is e85 approved. I know Weldon is (I have one) and Racetronics is, too. Both are excellent products. The reason I say is, they've both told me that, and I don't remember the thread, but a member on this board said the e85 ate right through the fuel sock on his pump.
X3 on volt booster
The S/S nitrile rubber lines work too and are cheaper.
Like turbo89 said, your looking at the limits of the stock block.
thank you guys got the 80# volt booster and dw pump got to get a problem fixed with the car before I put it all in