Confessions of a Car Salesman


TRCM Author
May 25, 2001
Confessions of a Car Salesman

I stumbled on this article on Edmunds last night. Be forewarned, it's very long, so you'll need at least an hour to read it all [I haven't quite finished it myself yet].

Short: Edmunds employee goes undercover as a car salesman to show the various ways people get screwed in a car deal. Definitely well written and fun to read.
I read that same article series a year or so ago. Very interesting.

When I bought the new van, the salesman whipped out his piece of paper, and I told him "Don't Four-Square me." He looked shocked as hell.
I love the four square thing. Usually when they push it over my way, I whip out a pen and start adding my own figures. This seems to really frustrate them.
Very interesting. I know someone that's a car saleman and he's told me some stories. I guess the bottom line is a fool and his money will be parted. It's their job to do that so be as little of a fool as possible.
Man, makes me want to write an article called "Confessions of Delaership Tech" You would be amazed at what happens to your car when you drop it off at the dealership.....
There's a book out there called "How to beat the car salesman". It illustrates how car salesmen try their darndest to get you to spend more today.

When it came time to purchase a new vehicle I put everything I learned to use. The salesmen later admitted he knew by how I was reluctant on certain things and how I put my foot down upfront in the game that I knew how the game was played and was going to be a tough cookie to deal with. :cool:
That crap is typical of most dealerships....

That is not how I run my dealership. Both my Grandfathers and my father were in the car business. It is in my blood. I do not see why it is so hard to give a person a price and be fair. Some consumers are so gullible that they will wind up paying more than sticker when these tricks are played, it burns me up:mad:

I sale as many cars a year as the average big used car dealer but I don't make the money they do... I do have a good name in the community and people know we don't sale junk and treat you fairly. Every car on my lot has the price right in the window sticker. Not just a payment qoute:rolleyes:
Tell them they have one shot

I am looking to buy a Ford F-150 Lariat, I will give you one shot at your offer. Give me your best deal and if it beats the other dealers in town, you have my buisness. Remember, you only have one shot, so make it count!!!:biggrin:

My dad did this over the telephone and got a a good deal after calling about 10 dealers looking for the exact same pickup. The trick is you have to know what options you want so you can get an apples to apples comparison. He shared it with me and I tried it, most dealers try to reel you in, others give their best shot. Try it sometime, I think you might like it!:biggrin: