Computer help new MB & CPU won't stay running


Senior Member
May 26, 2001
Computer won't stay running. Starts up ok they about 10 min later shuts down and won't restart. Unless you turn power off in the tower. Does this even if your in the Bois. Will Start after sitting for a few minutes. Will running everything in device manager is ok, posts ok,cpu mb not overheating, cpu speed is ok. Running XP, AMD2100 cpu and A7V600 Asus motherboard. No kind of errors show up when it shuts down.
Once it stayed running for awhile, shut it down normal way. Pushed the power button later, nothing. Had to turn the power off at the tower then on again and it would start. Run about 10 min shuts down like someone pulled the plug.

Check to make sure the cooling fan is attached properly, seated correctly, etc..

Could be a bad PS as well...

Cooling fan working and attached ok. My mistake in original post AMD 2700 CPU. Have a spare PS will put that in. This is the second MB I've tried in three days the other one a A7N8X MB woul not even post

Originally posted by JFH
Cooling fan working and attached ok. My mistake in original post AMD 2700 CPU. Have a spare PS will put that in. This is the second MB I've tried in three days the other one a A7N8X MB woul not even post


Same power supply? Same memory? It's extremely rare to have 2 bad mainboards in a row..

What kind of power supply?
Super six
Extreme switching PS 400W. I'm new to building PC this is the sixth one I've done for friends Using Asus MB every time and never had any trouble before. I do this just for fun for friends and this one is driving me nuts. Same PS mem and cpu
that sounds like either a bad power supply or bad memory... could also be a cpu issue, has it gotten progressively worse???
Make sure you 3x check ur bios settings, my A7N8X came with them all screwed up, also make sure the heat sink on the cpu is the correct way, there is a lip that sits on top of the cpu holder that, if not seated the right way, will not make contact with the cpu and cause it to overheat, hence the lockup.rebooting.

Also, get the latest bios update, i had the same exact issues as you with my MB.

Good luck.

I watched the cpu and MB temps on both PC, When I got them running for a bit (Asus Prope ) and they never came close to overheating before they shut down.On the A7N8X I set the Bios just like my own PC which is identical tothe one I'm having trouble with. I tried different CPU and memory on the A7N8X no help. On the A7V600 tried different memory not another chip. I have a new AMD 2100 I want to try on the A7V600. Could I possible damage it on a bad MB? Thanks for all your help so far

Looks like I'll try checking PS. The other question could I ruin a good cpu by but it in a defective MB, If the PS checks good?

Thanks again

Originally posted by JFH
Looks like I'll try checking PS. The other question could I ruin a good cpu by but it in a defective MB, If the PS checks good?

Thanks again


Always a remote possibility, but I feel you have a weak PS..
PS power

Super six

Bought a PS power tester, PS checked OK but since I had another PS laying around I but that one in. Same thing, on a note that might be inportant? It will not restart unless I turn of the power to the tower. then wait a few minutes then she will restart.
On another note conacted Asus and they told me to deal with the retailer I bought the MB from (,tech support from 10am to 5pm I'm at work then hard to get of hold of them busy signal all the time. Checked out your web, next time I'm doing another computer for a friend I'll order from you. Got more tech support from you, and I didn't even buy from you THANKS.
Now what should I check or do next??
Sorry for asking dumb questions for I'm new to this, but I enjoy building these PC, until this one

Thanks alot
Too much grease will overheat it also

Also, what is ur PS rated at?, AMDS need a ton of power, alot more than the p4.
400W PS, same as the PC I'm on right now which are both AMD Athlon TB 2700 CPU. and according to the Asus prob on the PC with I'm having all the trouble the MB or the CPU Temp are no were near anything bad. CPU 57 C MB 37 C

You say 10 minutes... is the 'puter trying to go into standby after that 10 minute interval? My XP system would go into standy OK, but you had to "pull the plug" to make it wake up. :eek: Needless to say, I don't use standby anymore.
Originally posted by Kevin Turch
Make sure you 3x check ur bios settings, my A7N8X came with them all screwed up, also make sure the heat sink on the cpu is the correct way, there is a lip that sits on top of the cpu holder that, if not seated the right way, will not make contact with the cpu and cause it to overheat, hence the lockup.rebooting.

Also, get the latest bios update, i had the same exact issues as you with my MB.

Good luck.


I'd be curious as to what BIOS settings you recommend for this board. I just built a new system based on this board and am curious as to what I should do to tweak the BIOS. AMD XP 2500+ BTW.

I actually had to change them to be normal, they were way off from the factory.

It was reading my cpu at 900 mhz instead of 1.4
I have all my power managment set to never shut down and it still shuts down

CPU speed

The last 3 Asus MB I did if I set the BIOS to auto for CPU it would detect the wrong CPU speed I had to set it to manual and set the correct CPU speed


Started PC sitting there at desk top for about hour put in a program to install 2 min into it shut down. I don't know what going on !!! I don't understand it will decide to shut down a few minutes after I start it or run for awhile and then shut down
