Competitor's Message Boards?

I'm usually posting on the saab message boards, but by no way are they competition:D

p.s. the Buick is going back into daily driver status in 2 weeks:cool:
i know it's posted already but is HUGE and is an old favorite of mine....i been on trying to sell my grand am...seems like a pretty popular GA brd
Originally posted by 36IndexGN
I'm usually posting on the saab message boards, but by no way are they competition:D

p.s. the Buick is going back into daily driver status in 2 weeks:cool:

Mine just came off DD status. I sold my truck and went a month with just the GN and my wifes Regal. I ALMOST had to drive it in the rain for the first time:eek:
I probably would have wrecked because my DR's are BALD
I have a girlfriend ;) (ok not really) on overall they're silly ricers, but there are a few really bright ones.