check this out


Member Boost-aholics anon
May 25, 2001
I think this is probably a record. I think that price is outrageous, but when the part is discontinued you can only buy what is for sale.

There should be someone that can reproduce a good likeness of this part and sell it. The demand for the part will probably not fade over time due to the fact that GN's are driven as daily drivers quite often.

Yes I am looking for one of these lenses, but when I paid $24 for the passenger side brand new from GM a month ago, $9X.XX sounds kinda rough to me.

Im just trying to get a good lense for my 84 GN that was just recently repainted.

Although it might sound like I'm complaining, and I am, I just thought I'd bring it up that some of these prices on these parts are outrageous just because you cant find them.

I think someone like CARS should look into making more stuff for the GNs due to the popularity of the cars.

OK I guess I'm through now.
well it all has to do with getting new old stock / oem. I have bought the chrome one for about $25 and am going to paint it black. That is the only alternative right now. And from what I have heard is not good to do if you are doing a show car because they can tell the difference. I do think an aftermarket product would do decent if reasonable priced....just my $.02
Definitely should have an aftermarket product like that. I bet it would do well also. I was lucky enough to find one a few months a go for decent price, but 90+ is crazy
Where did you find a chrome one fo $25? I need chrome ones for my Limited when I get it completed.

Thanks! I haven't ever seen that site. Looks like it will come in real handy.
