Can't get new wastegate assembled onto my new Craig turbo


Active Member
May 26, 2001
New Craig TE62 w/wastegate...cannot get wastegate postioned correctly with supplied hardware. it's either too low or too high

Anybody else have this problem??

Thanks, Bob
Sounds like you got a wastegate for a stock style turbo. Been there and had to modify them.
So you think this is the wrong bracket on the wastegate??

Not sure how much I can modify already has 5 holes in it.


I just sent you some pics of the wastegate installed on my turbo. It should help give you an idea of how it is mounted.
If you have an actuator from a stock (TA) style housing, then its holes will be slightly differently spaced than the holes on the TE compressor housing.

This means you will have to do a little modifying on the actuator bracket...
I bought the TE62 and this wastegate, both new, from John about a month ago.

Hate to bother people on Sunday's so I'll call him Monday.

Chuck, the pics are great...I'll compare my bracketry with yours and see.

Thanks, Bob
Bob< when I build a turbo for a customer, supplying a new waste gate, I mount and line it up before shipping. It's a bit of a pain otherwise. If you are using the to4e compressor housing, then you will need to install the stock elbow on the turbine housing, if you have one. Next, attach the adjusting rod to the elbow and let it hang, line up the stock brackett on the 3 bolt retainer that secures the compressor housing to the backing plate. At that point I breakout my welder and tack the actuator to the retainer. Once secure, I remove the actuator with retainer, weld it up and drill the middle hole, thats it, your done! Now being the engineer that you are, I'm sure you can figure it out. By the way, say Hi to Noi for me, best of health and luck for the New Year.

one more thing,, if you still have your PT51 turbo, the compressor housings may bethe same, either duplicate the wastegate config from that wastegate or just install it on the new turbo.
Hey Good Morning Jack...thanks for the tips. You know me, I'll engineer the heck out of it, then change my mind, then change back, then one more time...and then ask you if you'll take it

Thinking more about this I may be the reason for the problem. I sanded the flange of the the exhaust manifold flat to provide a better sealing surface for the turbo. I think I did a pretty good job of keeping the plane unchanged but may be off 1/2 degree or so. The wastegate bolts up to the turbo fine but the can interferes with the compressor outlet...which is orientied almost perfectly horizontal to the IC. I dunno....I'll get it figured out eventually :)

How the filly in still hooked up there?? Hope it was the happiest I've seen you for a while...good for you :)

Tell John & your sister I said hi...and I'll do the same for Noi if she wakes up

The angle on the uppipe flange isn't the problem...there is way too much interferece with the wastegate can and the compressor outlet...don't know what it is.

Hey Bob, I just got a rebuilt (Craig) 62 turbo from Nick M. in AZ.

He put the stock spring actuator on it. I haven't checked any alignments as of yet though. Too cold.

I did test and it is a stock spring actuator, not sure of the mounting scheme.

Garrett .63 exhaust housing.

Won't be going on the car for a few weeks though. ;)

If there's anything you want or need measured I can check it.

It's at work going to get a 3.5" bell made for it. :)

Good luck.
Success! I kept trying to install with both of the studs on the clamp used...if I only use one stud and the other attachment at a bolt it lined up pretty close. But the rod was about 1/2" lower than the flapper I drilled another set of holes in the bracket about 3/8" "below" the "pretty close" holes...

Now the rod lines up fine.

Thanks to all for the pictures, offers, and concern.

Hey Bob I'll take some pics. too.

Hopefully I will never have to look at them. :D

Boy I checked out the Billet Aluminum inlet bell my toolmaker was making today. Whooooeee that thing was sweet.

3.5" opening and fits the 62 like a glove. :)

Made me some studs with little wrench flats for the drain tube too. Clearanced one of the bolts that holds the housing so the drain tube flange will go on with the studs in place.

Good to have people here at work with nothing to do. :eek:

Well worth a bottle of the good stuff. :cool:
"Good to have people here at work with nothing to do"

Our plant used to have about 1/2 the staff that it's been moved to another facility where probably only 1/4 of the people have nothing to do :)

Pics on the way as I type this....hope they help you Allan.
