Can someone take a sec a list the different speed ratings for tires?


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2002
H rated?
S rated?
ZR rated?

WTF are they good for, top end wise? I have ZR rated Comp TA's, so how fast can I go before they disintegrate?

I am not sure, but...

The "H" are rated to 130.
The "Z", don't know about the "R", are 150+
The "S" I think are rated at 112.
The "V" were up to 149.
The "T" were 118.
Z used to be the highest, now cars can exceed that so there are a few more speed ratings.
N=87 MPH, 140km/h, Spare Tires :D
U=124 MPH, 200km/h
P=93 MPH, 150km/h
H=130 MPH, 210km/h, Sport Sedans
Q=99 MPH, 160km/h, Winter, LT Tires
V=149 MPH, 240km/h, Sports Cars
R=106 MPH, 170km/h, LT Tires
Z=149 MPH, 240km/h and over, Sports Cars
S=112 MPH, 180km/h
W=168 MPH, 270km/h, Exotic Sport Cars
T=118 MPH, 190km/h
Y=186 MPH, 300km/h, Exotic Sport Cars