Cal hartline: tuning in SoCal in April 2012


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
That's right everyone! Cal will be coming back to SoCal for another tune session. I know he was out here in Jan. 2012, but he wants to come back again!

If you are interested please get in contact with me ( Greg ) for more info.
Just to inform you, there will be certain requirements that must be fulfilled by you ( car owner ) before you will be considered for the tune. ( nothing too major )

So if you haven't already, or missed the last session, this will be the perfect time to get your car tuned!

Have a nice day!
I will post and keep you guys informed
Thanks for inviting me Greg! I have already given a couple guys your number. I am booked every weekend until April 7th, so let's lock in a date soon.
hmmm, tempting but I'm not sure I'll be ready by then. Hope it works out for you Greg, you won't be dissapointed.
Hey guys

Sorry for the lack of communication! My job has kept me out of the country.

I hope everything is well with you guys and your cars are all fast as heck! LOL

I be getting in touch with Cal hopefully today to try to finalize some things

I will let you know something in a few

^ if you don't mind someone watching please let me know. would love to come and help/ bs