Buick Performance Group GSX Reunion


Active Member
Dec 7, 2004
visit The Buick Performance Group for more information

already have 30 cars confirmed

We want your X’s…
not your ex-wives or girlfriends but your GSX’s

The Buick Performance Group, in conjunction with the GSX Registry, is planning a GSX reunion. This one time event will be held on Saturday August 1st during the 2009 BPG Nationals at National Trails Raceway outside of Columbus Ohio. Our goal is to have 50 plus real GSX’s on display. This would be the largest gathering of GSX’s since they were first built, and may generate national coverage.

This will be a non-judged event and we are looking for everything from a Concours show car to something that looks like it just got pulled out of a barn. Regardless of the condition of your GSX, if it’s got 4 wheels and is a real GSX then we want it on display. Bring your GSX and celebrate one of the most powerful and stylish muscle cars to ever drive the streets of hometown America.

We will be handing out a commemorative license plate to every owner that has a vehicle in this special event. These plates will be similar to the ones given out at shows like the “Concours de Elegance” and can either be put on the cars, or would be suitable for framing. These plates will not be sold, and will ONLY be available to those that bring a car to the event.

All GSX’s in attendance for the reunion will be displayed in a special place of honor on both sides of the entrance road just outside of the Car Show area. For those that also want their cars judged we will have two options, they can enter them in the Concours Class (400 point judging), or they can be entered in the Street/Driven Class (100 point judging). Both of these classes will also be positioned outside of the show area, so all the cars will be displayed together.

This type of event may never come again, so come on out, and enjoy the party. To get in on the fun contact Duane Heckman @ 610-544-6776 after 7:30 PM EST and get your name added to the list. The only cost associated with the reunion will be the entrance fee to the BPG Event. GSX owners will not be required to be BPG members but will have full access to enjoy all the other awesome activities at the show, race event, swap meet and clinics. More information will follow as the event approaches and can be found on line at The Buick Performance Group
See everyone at the track.


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