broken tv linkage arm


Apr 8, 2009
has anyone ever had the arm on the tv linkage break ? mine broke this weekend. i replaced it yesterday but just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and if anyone knows why it would have broke. just replaced my broken fwd clutch drum last week and had to replace the tv cable in the process. everything seemed fine when i got it back together. made some test drives and seemed good to go. went to the track and on second pass the arm broke off the tv linkage. i'm hoping it was just fatigue. cant think of any reason for it. curious of your opinions. rebuilt the tranny earlier this year and it shifts super quick and hard now. now i keep breaking stuff
yea but i have always set by pushing the cable all the way in then opening the throttle to wot to let the cable auto adjust. that has always worked in the past. my only thought is that i noticed that the new cable's auto adjust mechanism was a lot stiffer. so i am thinking that is a possibility. you would think that the cable would give and adjust before the arm would break but maybe the new cable is to stiff ? after replacing the arm i pulled the cable out a few clicks. i have always heard not to move it out more than one click so i was a little nervous. drove the car and it still shifts super quick and firm so i hope i am alright ?