Brake light wiring problem


May 29, 2001
Okay, my brake lights work sitting in park and pushing on the brakes. But as soon as I put the car in drive and roll a couple of feet the lights go out, but not the third brake light. Then I will put the car in park and pop the trunk to see if I can find the problem and they start working again. I checked the local part stores for a Hayes manual and no one carries a 87 regal. They all start at 88. Does anyone have a wiring diagram they can email me or give me a link? I need help badly. Or if anyone has any suggestions on where to start for the problem.

take out your back seat and check the wires on the drivers side. Alot of times I have seen they are damaged where they are rubbing under the seat. Since your third brake light seems to stay on when your brakes lights are off, kind of rules out the break switch as being a problem. The problem has to be either in the seat area or in the trunk. All of these wires are accessable by removing panels, so just visually check them. there is also a ground wire and other connects on the drivers side wheel well that you need to check out also. good luck.
Here is one post of many that have been discussed concerning the brake light problem like you have.

My car had this same problem. I pulled my car into the Buick dealer's garage area(not my first trip for this same problem) and when I got out I tilted the steering wheel up out of the way and they couldn't find a problem...again. Then, when I got in the car to pull out of the garage, I tilted the wheel back down and the mechanic noticed the brake lights weren't working(Finally!).

Anyway, my problem was finally fixed and I hope the post above will help you.
