Boycot? Protest??


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I am going to have my own boycot/protest. I will not drink Mexican beer or eat at a Mexican restaurant on Cinco de Mayo. It is pretty much a holiday made up by SoCal beer drinkers that needed one more day to party anyway.
Go to an Irish bar and have some fun.

I dont think their sickout impacted us too bad,of course it was only one day.Sneaking into this country is a crime,the U.S. shouldve been checking cards at these ralleys.
it was great for me, cleared up alot of traffic and parking spaces in La County :)

Ill join ur protest on mexican beer, but leave mexican hard liquor out of it haha cheers.
Yep, traffic was great.. Fire all the strikers, get everyone off of unemployment by filling all the vacancies. Ship em out of the country, suddenly our health care and insurance industry will be out of the red too!
yea it was sweet. No lawn care people all day so no noise ( i acutally could take a nap in peace and quite for once, no traffic what so ever, everyone whos american orginally were driving like normal, parking at school for once, best of all NO COPS, i didn't see one cop on the main roads all day long from Orange to LA it was awsome!

im glad such a great topic of positivness was to bestowe my 500th post :D
I've heard from my south of the border worker that the border crossings were very scarce for the rest of the week. I think most of the workers were given an unexpected and without pay, whole week off or were laid off. Monday I'll ask him to see if the long lines at the border have returned. Mexicans just don't know how to change laws I guess. It appears they do like days off though.
LOL at this thread. My thoughts exactly. I had the day off and it was great with less traffic, the mall was tolerable, like was mentioned earlier no police, etc. I wish they would protest every day.

Why didn't the news show some of the riots in LA? I was leaving a friend's house near Staples early Monday morning and I had two of them, one with a mexican flag and one with a mini baseball bat step into the street like they were going to stop my car. I wasn't going to stop and I figured my car would most likely get hit when I drove by so I floored it and swerved at them so they were too busy trying not to get hit to hit my car.