Bowling for Columbine. Could they fit any more lies into the movie?


About done
May 25, 2001
What is it with this film. Notice I call it a Film not a documentry. As a documentry needs to be made from facts. I watched it and could tell right away this seems to be fabricated and oh how I was right

So I had a conversation with a person that was once a good frined of mine and I was pointing out all the edits made to speaches and the flat out lies in the moive and he comes back saying. Man everyone seems to want to dis-credit that movie as it was so true. True? Didnt he hear anything I said about the lies that moore used?

And what was the real point of the movie? It jumps around so much it never really seems to stick to one issue, just goes off on so many tangents.

The only thing I could even agree with was the meida will cover bad things to get rateings and likes to use fear to help sell it's product. This is proven to be very true as Moores own film does this.

Sorry I just watched it a few days ago and am still mad at how this liberal collection of lies gets acepted by so many as facts.
I went to the video store and saw this on the shelves... I'm not sure if it's the same over there, but the cover over here show's what appears to be a charichature <sp> of a kid holding a gun to his head or in the air.

When I saw that and read the title, I was actually offended. Not too much will set me off, especially in a video store, but seeing that just ticked me off. For one thing, if you mention Columbine, you need to mention it with a certain degree of sensitivity. As a former teacher in the public school system there, I know I feel very personal sadness when remembering that day. So to use this as 'catchy title' is absolutely sickening.

Now since I haven't seen the movie, I'm going to refrain from making any judgments. All I have to say is, this doesn't sound like something I would waste my time or four Euro on.

As said before.. it sounds like some sort of liberal on steroids.
Not to worry. Michael Moore can't be long for this world. I'll lay 2 to 1 odds that one day that fat slob will overdose on a fried gravy sandwich with extra cheese or some other similar arterial apocolypse. :p
Nice one TRBON8R :D

Hmmm maybe he needs to make a movie about the evils of fast food as they seem to be hurting him huch more then gun ownership. :p
Originally posted by TwoLaneBlackTop

Hmmm maybe he needs to make a movie about the evils of fast food as they seem to be hurting him huch more then gun ownership. :p

LOL, so true!!!

Unfortunately fatso is roaming among us here in L.A. I wonder if there is any chance we might bribe Flint, Michigan to take him back? :D
Hmm he can do the intro to it kinda like the part in bowling where he flashes death tolls up on the screen

Small Sub Sandwich no mayo 300 calories
2 peices Fresh Fruit 100 calories
1 salad with low fat dressing 250 calories
1 Big Mac with fries and a coke 2500 calories!

And notice how my calorie values might seem un accurate. Well thats cause I just made them up as I dont know exact values. And if Moore can make up numbers to be used as facts why cant I? ;)

What would YOU do if:

Your daughter came home from college one day...

and introduced her FIANCE to you...

and it was...

Michael Moore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Better it should be

Michael Myers!!!!!!!!!!!!

(the "Boogeyman" in the Halloween movies)
Michael Moore is to the left of Karl Marx. I have a theory about liberals. I think they have different valving in their brains. How could they view everything in such a skewed manner. Their opinions just don't make any sense. :confused:
Originally posted by PowerSics
Michael Moore is to the left of Karl Marx. I have a theory about liberals. I think they have different valving in their brains. How could they view everything in such a skewed manner. Their opinions just don't make any sense. :confused:

Silly, you. You are actually saying liberals have brains?!?!
Thats a great point turbonatr:D People should give Moore the finger and give more publicity to real celebrities like Bruce Willis. Now theres a guy with his head screwed on straight, Moore should not even be acknowledged.
man, i saw about 2 minutes of that show on TV, and they were bitching about some sort of anti gun crap, it angered me so much i pulled out my gun and shot my TV!
For another article on Moore's lies & deceits, check out:

Moore pretends he is just a "regular Joe" out to expose "evil corporations" and the like, but in fact he is a hypocritical multi-millionaire, who laughs alll the way to the bank. He is just another con artist.

Sadly, he seems quite popular among many young college students who haven't yet learned all the right questions to ask, and are still naive about the ways of the world.
Speaking of films like this and perpetrating lies and stereotypes to appeal to people's emotions and draw them into the gun-control crowd, a few nights ago on TV I flipped through the channels and saw a made for TV movie called "The Real Story of the LA shootings" or something like that. It was a made for TV movie based on the big shootout with the bank robbers a few years back.

Talk about total innaccuracy, I flip to it and what do I see? The robbers are using ARs! And the "discussion" in the gun shop when the police went to acquire something larger than what they had available was simply atrocious propaganda. Basically the guy at the gun store said something like "yeah, this is a sniper rifle, will kill someone at XXXX yards" and the policeman said "I can't believe these are legal." :mad: I have NEVER witnessed such a once-sided, slanted view at an event. How they managed to get funding for this utter bull****, actors to perform in it, and a network to air it is beyond me. I was seething in my chair knowing full well there would be probably thousands of people watching who would have their viewpoints on the matter changed by this totally inaccurate, biased, depiction of the events which seemed to be written for nothing else than to sway people into believing all guns (and gun owners) are evil. It was purely made as propaganda but the title touted it as the "true story."

I've never found myself so infuriated with a show in my life, especially because they tried to pass it off as "truth."

The sad thing is a good portion of the population accepts hidously biased movies/stores/articles such as these as "gospel" without ever wondering about the "other side" of the view or the moderate view which is almost never presented to them.

Those of us with level heads and inquisitive minds find it necessary to seek out the truth and research deeper when presented with what are obviously slanted tales by the media and others; I don't know about anyone else but I *NEVER* take anything at face value especially after reading only one article or viewing one documentary on any given subject. I have the need to read more, dig deeper, and think about it for a while before I come to a conclusion. Unfortunately part of the general "dumbening" trend in american culture over the last 40 years is that a great deal of people let themselves become convinced of the "facts" by only one source, and fail to take into account the feelings and position of the writer/author or do any further research into the subject. The first time they hear about something it is immediately accepted as fact without a shred of doubt or a hair of interest raised. It seems (much to my dismay) that the majority of our population has become sheep, whose opinions, passions, and very thoughts can be swayed and directed with a carefully crafted 30 second soundbite.

Where is social darwinism when you need it?
Yeah, the above mentioned movie about the North Hollywood shootout was a real piece of crap that would have been worthy of a Michael Moore production. As mentioned the movie was totally inaccurate. I saw the shootout live as it happened on tv that day. I'm certain one of the robbers had an AK-47 and the other I believe had an HK-91. Those two cowboys had a whole trunk full of guns illegally converted to full auto. Not exactly weapons just anyone could go to your friendly local CA gun store and buy!!!
LMAO Ben. I love your imagery. Maybe FAT BASTARD will be served well with your mental workings. This idiot isn't trying to do a documentary, he is another hit piece for the DNC (funny that is what an abortion is called too). Truth is irrelevant when it comes to selling your vision of the world. If this piece (of crap) got your goat, wait until CBS puts out its totally false and mis quoted version of Reagan soon for sweeps week. These pseudo elitist won't be happy until they totally rewrite history damning anything of value that he did. He proved trickle down economics works, so they raised taxes thru the roof to ruin it and discredit him, they are now trying to credit Kennedy, Carter, and Clinton for crushing Communism, and now are trying to make it seem like Nancy was running the white house for 6 years.

These people aren't interested at all in the truth, they will do anything to gain power. There is no regard for anything that has made America the power and strength of the world that it is. They want nothing more than to control every aspect of our lives because they have such contempt for the average American and our ability to rule ourselves. They honestly believe, they are better suited to running our lives, cradle to the grave. Sounds like communism to me, at the least socialism.

I think the only reason college kids watch any thing Moore does is because it is the most comic relief they get. Recent polling of college kids show that over 65% totally agree with how Bush is handling the war and economy. Now that has to really be bothersome to think of if you are named Hillary.
As a current public school teacher, reserve peace officer w/ several years of active duty "5-0" and a former Marine it never ceases to amaze me how these Anti-Constituional ghouls thrive on the misery of innocent people and champion murderers as "victims". They justify everything they vomit forth as "sacred" under the 1st Amendment, yet want to deny the rest of us the same sanctity of the 2nd Amendment (without which the 1st and all the others are just ink on paper) Michael rpobably gets his armed body guards from the same agency Rosie "Million Moron March" O'Donnell does. Moore should pack it up and move to jolly old England if he is so disillusioned with the USA. The have instituted a total ban on firearms, outlawed self-defense, and now violent crime including gun related crimes have skyrocketed:eek: I need to get off my soap-box but I could go on for a while about this. Just remember, even though all the cliches about gun ownership (if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns) may sound a little simple-minded to some there is another more elegant quote that goes "Those who are willing to sacrifice Freedom for security deserve neither" I can't remember which of our founding fathers said it, but Mr. Moore, et al, seems to be a bit ignorant of our history. Anyway, what do I know. Moore has tons more street experience the little old me:rolleyes:
Oh yeah, sorry! What I was going to say originally was that in response to the question about fitting more lies into the movie the answer is "yes", but only if they made it longer.
^5's rev 3:11. Moore is one of a select few that have the right to have armed gaurds in California. His reasoning that his right to free speech is for too important to be silenced by some individual with the second amendment rights which he feels are outdated. Along with Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein as well both against the right to bear arms and both carry handguns. The lunatics have taken over the assylum for sure. Mark