Battery in trunk with a fake


Jan 9, 2004
Living close to Summit, I picked up a battery install kit and Optima battery (both on sale) for $100 total.
I want to install my battery in the trunk, and I also plan on alcohol injection. My #1 dilemma is how to install the alcohol injection as cleanly as possible. I want to keep it stock appearing.

My plan is that I want to relocate the battery to the trunk and use the casing of a battery as the alcohol injection reservior, maintaining a stock look. After getting the battery down to the case alone, I plan to seal the battery with some sort of sealant.
Knowing what a terrible idea opening the battery was, I put on rubber gloves, a cheap raincoat and face protection. Then, sitting in the driveway, I tried to pry the case of a dead core battery open with a flathead screw driver. I know it's nuts, so I gave up after I didn't make any progress.
One friend told me to grow some balls, pull off the caps, dump and dilute the acid and go at it with a grinder or saw.

Does anyone know where a battery case alone, or a fake battery can be purchased? Or, does anyone have any suggestions of how to attempt gutting an existing battery without killing myself or destroying the battery case?
How to have a fake battery, I can't say. Maybe some auto store near you can get you one of those fake battery displays. As far as using the fake battery for the reservoir, that's not necessary. Just use the radiator overflow for your alky reservoir. Perfectly stealthy.
Do a search for a guy named KIP, he has some fake batteries in stock.
Trying to take apart a live battery doesn't take balls, just a case of the crazies. A lot of the parts stores do have dummy batteries on display, how willing they are to part with them I don't know. But John is right about the coolant jug, I know several people who have done it that way. If you really have your heart set on the battery idea, I can ask the interstate rep next time he comes through.
The reason I want to use a fake battery is because otherwise if I relocate the battery to the trunk, I'll have a big open space where the battery used to be. I might as well put my alcohol injection in a fake battery and make it look inconspicuous.
OK..........use the overflow for the alcohol and put the sureflo pump under or in the fake battery. :D
That's the plan! Nobody will ever see it coming, unless of course they notice all the extra wiring and hoses and the battery leads taped to the side of the battery.
One of my friends owns a customizing shop and they have an Optima display which ocnsists of 3 fake batteries. We use them to trick people by acting like they're real heavy then throw them at them and they freak out. One kid fell and ran into a carbon fiber hood it was pretty damn funny. I can ask him if he would be willing to sell one and if not where you can get one.
I do too have a fake batteries. I have a bunch in stock. $5.00
Mike Licht
Full Throtle Speed
I put my battery in the trunk and run a fake one (purchased from BG Customs many snows ago!) with side lugs up front. The OEM battery cables are hooked to it and they still work since they come off the starter...I even did a jump start from up front one time. I also put a chunk of 2x4 in mine so it doesn't sound so hollow when you knock on it.

just don't try going to the track unless you have the trunk battery properly installed with a kill switch, frame mounted, vented, etc
do you know how much work will be involved in making the trunk battery track legal?

you have to seal off the trunk, cut a hole through someplace so there can be a kill switch, vent the battery, so on and so on.

if your doing it for weight get a fuel cell that goes where the pare tire sets and fill it with water.

or if your car is to the point where you race it all the time then i'm probably wasting my time telling you all this, and you know that its time that it will be beneficial to do.