Anyone using a blow off valve

I eat Z06

New Member
Sep 22, 2003
I have a WRX and have been reading in rice magazines about BOV's. Does anyone have one? My question for everyone is where would you mount a BOV? Will the higher PSI ones work with a GN. Does alcohol injection play a role in this at all?

Originally posted by Captain Mark
BOV is not needed on our cars. Most of us do not use them.

There are varying opinions on this, try a search and you'll find some pretty long posts.

One reason for not using BOVs on our cars stems from the fact that they're all auto transmission cars.

Whether or not using a BOV will help prolong the life of the turbo by decreasing the beating that the turbo takes when letting off the gas at 20+psi is the more controversial topic.

I came very close to getting one. What stopped me, besides having something come up with my car, was the fact that no one could tell me for sure if alky would spray out when I let off under boost. An engine fire is something I'd rather not worry about while racing.
OneLethal87GN, I've ran a couple different BOV's for a while now with my SMC alky kit, and not a thing has happened fire-wise. Nothing is there to show signs of alky leakage(wetness, dried vacuum hose, discoloration, etc).

Think of it this way, the BOV will only open under extreme vacuum... Is your alky going to be spraying under vacuum? :)

BTW, I've still got that BOV/up-pipe if you're looking to buy it.


Originally posted by Sinful6
Think of it this way, the BOV will only open under extreme vacuum... Is your alky going to be spraying under vacuum? :)

I'm not so sure. Imagine what would be a fairly standard scenario-- if you let off the gas sharply at the top end of the drag strip. Whatever alchy was in the air stream when the throttle slams shut will be coming back out again if you're venting to atmosphere, no?

Whether it will be enough to ignite on a hot downpipe or anything else is an empirical question and I don't know the answer to this, but some atomized alchy will be floating around.

If the discharge wasn't to much for a vacuum hose to flow, you could vent somewhere safe or re-route back into the intake.

Although they recomend 6" from throttle body mine is at the bottom of fmic piping releasing to the pavement below. I can think of at least 5 ten second tr's in the area that have them. And at very least the sound of all that air trying to escape at high boost is sometimes worth it alone. but to each his own.
6" from the throttle? I know a lot of import guys who mount them on their intercoolers. Infact, I believe that the '03 WRX has a provision from the factory on top of the intercooler just for a BOV.

6" from the throttle does seem like a better idea though.

would have sent you e mail but yours is disabled, and it's a pain in the butt to have to host a photo on this site instead of just having an attachment option..
I think you misunderstood, I have an ATR BOV on my GN now, and the BOV flange is mounted 6" from the throttle blade on the up-pipe.

Originally posted by I eat Z06
The WRX BOV is on the intercooler. But the intercooler is on top.


Right, I was just pointing out how many inches of actual tube that the air had to pass through from the throttle blade to the BOV.

BTW, I selling my GN soon, and probably going to pick up a WRX or Supra. If you know of someone who owns a WRX and is interested in a trade for a very nice GN, please send them my way. :)


Regarding BOV's where do you take your vac line from? My car stumbles one way and the BOV won't work the other way.......
my BOV was the best $50 I ever spent!

I bought a 1st Gen Eclipse BOV that had been "crushed" It's held over 24psi no problem and its not super loud or annoying.

once you've had it on, if you take it off you'll feel scared to let off the gas fast ever again.

Mine is on the up-pipe and is open atmosphere.

There are 2 pics here

Engine and turbo pics
Originally posted by I eat Z06
If you buy a WRX, spend the extra money and get an STi. It is worth the extra money.

That's for sure!

You couldn't upgrade a standard WRX to STI standards for less than 10-15K, and the STI package runs only 4-5K over a base WRX...a performance bargain! :)

And you'll enjoy trouncing the 2004 faux "GTO", straight-line or through the "twisties", for 5-6K less!

Rock on, Subaru! :)
Originally posted by Captain Mark
BOV is not needed on our cars. Most of us do not use them.

I don't agree. I've been playing around with a modified Talon BOV like someone already mentioned, but I don't think it's enough (won't flow/vent enough pressure). I seriously think that a lack of a BOV is what expedited the demise of my last turbo.

The loads placed on the turbo bearings from on/off throttle situations can in no way be good. How could a well functioning BOV that would lessen these forces be bad... or not needed??
