Anyone see District 9 yet?


In Between GN's
Dec 24, 2005
I usually watch movies at home in my HT room. I have only been to the movies less than 4 times in the past 8 years. It has to be pretty good to go and deal with the cell phone ringing, sneezing, coughing, talking, standing up, etc....

Anyway I digress. District 9 looks fantastic and I am looking for some reviews.

id like to check this movie out as well, but my GF wont go to scary Si fi stuff.... so im stuck until it comes out.

I absolutely loathe going to movie theaters. 11$ and some jackass is talking to her neighbor the whole time..

with that said, one of the best movies I have seen in theaters, and one of the top 5 sci-fi movies I have seen in the last 10 years.

I would rank this up there with the Matrix. I will be buying it as soon as it hits DVD.
Problem with this movie is simply this

Aliens smart enough to have space travel and the weapons they had would not allow themselves to be pushed around by cavemen which is basically what mankind is compared to such a race.
I saw it last week at a free sneek preview with my wife. I loved it she walked out about 1/2 way thru. She is pissed everyone seems to love this movie and she hates it. Definately worth seeing. Just don't sit too close the hand cams make you a bit dizzy.
Problem with this movie is simply this

Aliens smart enough to have space travel and the weapons they had would not allow themselves to be pushed around by cavemen which is basically what mankind is compared to such a race.

if you watched the movie you would know why that is. All the leaders were killed somehow, the only ones left were workers or just mindless aliens without any real intelligence.
if you watched the movie you would know why that is. All the leaders were killed somehow, the only ones left were workers or just mindless aliens without any real intelligence.

Haha Yep. Most people will watch a movie and not even pay attention.

It was the best movie I've seen all year. Blomkamp did an amazing job and so did the lead actor, which if all that I've read is correct, has never acted before in his life. It'll be interesting to see if Blomkamp gets to do Halo now.
It is Peter Jackson so thats the kind of responses I was expecting.

Looks like its time to hunt down a babysitter and drag the wife to the movies for a "date night".
Problem with this movie is simply this

Aliens smart enough to have space travel and the weapons they had would not allow themselves to be pushed around by cavemen which is basically what mankind is compared to such a race.

I respectfully disagree!

I believe aliens are soooooo far advanced, they have no use for weapons at all. There idea of terror is the experiments they like to do!

:biggrin: A.j.
Halo had the plug because the 2 invested movie companies did not think the director could handle such a project. He had no prior big screen experience. Those involved believe that the studios had an inside fight for the movie causing the scrub.

With that said, its easy to see the similarities in some of the art-graphics in District 9 and Halo.
Halo had the plug because the 2 invested movie companies did not think the director could handle such a project. He had no prior big screen experience. Those involved believe that the studios had an inside fight for the movie causing the scrub.

With that said, its easy to see the similarities in some of the art-graphics in District 9 and Halo.

You should see the Halo "demo" he filmed.
This will be the first movie I'll check out due to reading replies from this board, maybe it does live up to the trailer.
This will be the first movie I'll check out due to reading replies from this board, maybe it does live up to the trailer.

I never make an effort to talk about a movie, but this movie both my friend and I left saying "I will post about this movie so other people watch it"
My son had a sleepover at a friends so I went last night. I don't want to over hype it, but I thought it was a great movie. The only thing I was disappointed with was at the end I'm like "aw man... Now I have to wait 2 years to find out what happens next".

You can see why Peter Jackson's on board. I would guess District 10 is already in pre-production, if not already halfway filmed, already.
if you watched the movie you would know why that is. All the leaders were killed somehow, the only ones left were workers or just mindless aliens without any real intelligence.

Exactly. I'm sure in District 10 they will flesh out the aliens society in a totally believable way.

As recently as 70 years ago, advanced Human societies (that developed the Rocket engine and Jet Aircraft) worked on genetically engineering a "worker/slave class" that would mindlessly follow orders and not be involved in decision making.

The movie made a point to show how fast their population increased, even though many were killed, meaning that where ever they are from, something kills them off fast, or its incredibly overpopulated.

My guess is that in the next movie, the aliens that come back to earth won't be a bunch of cat food eating scavengers.