Anyone have a nutcase neighbor ?

She just wants some attention. You will be better off if you keep on talking to her even though she threatens you than if you all of a sudden start to ignore her. If she quits giving you a hard time, that's when you better look out. She may not be playing with a full deck, but chances are that she is an experienced game player. If you keep on acting as if you want to get along, she will keep on giving you a hard time, but at least you know what she is up to and where she's at.

Well, since its garbage day tommorrow and she already had her stuff out and the now infamous cup was still sitting there, i thought id be the bigger person and toss it out. Well I went to pick it up and she had a skewer through the bottom holding the thing in place!! I pulled it up and put the sewer on top of a spare grill right near the scene where there is no way she could miss it.

Who knows whats next. Im sorta thinking a new one will be there tommorrow:eek:
theres some crazy old lez that lives down the street from me....she would hate when me or my brother would drive our loud ass gopeds or carts, or whatever. She went as far as trying to grab me off my minibike thats pretty loud....I gave her my 2cents and have never heard from her again.
Used to work in a Subway restaurant, kept having this 70 year old crotchety woman that would bitch about anything and everything. I wanted to ask her "what's a matter, didn't grandpa give you any last night??" :eek: :D But I didn't because i didn't want to get fired from my job.

My dad's neighbor is nosy, drops dimes on people, deliberatley pulls up the blade guard on his riding mower to throw rocks and crap out of his yard into my dad's to dent the cars and such, and even sprays poison by the fence line where my mother had flowers planted. Last altercation he was raising hell with my dad for putting up a picket fence and he thought it was on his side of the lawn, a friend of mine was there and had to hold himself back from introducing a shovel to this clown's face.
Well, since its garbage day tommorrow and she already had her stuff out and the now infamous cup was still sitting there, i thought id be the bigger person and toss it out. Well I went to pick it up and she had a skewer through the bottom holding the thing in place!! I pulled it up and put the sewer on top of a spare grill right near the scene where there is no way she could miss it.

Who knows whats next. Im sorta thinking a new one will be there tommorrow:eek:

Man you need to pull it from the garbage and at least stash it, its not yours to toss, next thing she'll sue for 2k cause it was givin to her by rockafellers uncles cousins former roomate.

Anyway put another coffee mug in its place, in fact go to garage sale and pick up old coffee maker and set it out next to the cup, with coffee in it and maybe a doughnut next to it as well. with photo of Juan Valdez on a stick.
Since shes a nut then you might as well get creative
I had a neighbor lady one time with a german shepherd that she continuously let poop in my yard.......I ignored until oneday her dog attacked my 3 yr old son while running in OUR back yard. I chased the dog and was going to kill it until she came out screaming at me and threatened to call the cops. She blamed my son for antagonizing her dog while he was playing in OUR yard.....needless to say she started the same type of crap. Chaining her loud barking dog up right next to our window at 5:00 a.m. while it barked to no end......letting it poop in our yard......this went on for 2 weeks and then one day I had had it.........I went over and knocked on her door and said these little words ever so slightly "lady, if you value your dog's head and want it to remain attached to your dog's body I suggest you stop the crap you are pulling or you will have a new lawn ornament in the form of one dog's head being mounted on your bird bath, do we understand each other?" Well, she called the cops...they came and the cop asked if I threatened to kill her dog.....I replied, "nope, I promised her I would"..........he laughed, she moved 2 weeks later..........
I say put the cup back with the skewer and a big hairy dawg turd on keep it from blowing away !!!!
I love the coffee maker sugestion. Shoot get sugar creamer the whole nine yards. Make it look like a 711! LOL.
Nobody too crazy around me, just the one jerk next door who actually came to my garage one night and complained that I had my car running. Said it was shaking the walls in his house. :rolleyes: Funny, can't even hear the car in my own house.
Nobody too crazy around me, just the one jerk next door who actually came to my garage one night and complained that I had my car running. Said it was shaking the walls in his house. :rolleyes: Funny, can't even hear the car in my own house.

As a general rule of thumb, don't get excited when confronted by people complaining about your loud whatever. I used to have a wall of eight 15s in my car (6500) watts. This guy comes up to me screaming that I was shaking all the doors in his house a mile and a half away. I got rather excited and he got more upset at me, told me the cops were on their way. I would only turn this thing up in large parks so it didn't bother anybody...I guess I was wrong.

One thing you can do is let some old crap box that burns oil idle right next to their windows. Works great:) Order all kinds of free adult stuff to her house through the internet. Heck, just order all kinds of free crap for her. Public disturbance can be entertaining.
I use to have neighbors but they have foreclosed on their houses.... Maybe they couldn't pay for gas...:rolleyes:
my neighbor has a nutty neighbor :)

I was thinking the same thing.

The original coffee cup story reminded me I saw a guy toss a styrofoam cup out his car window. I stopped, picked it up and tried to return it to him. He saw me following him and drove around and around the neighborhood - wouldn't go home. I knew where he lived, which is a few houses away from me. He knows who I am, and he also knew what I wanted. I gave up and went home after a few laps. I should've dropped the cup off later but I'm not that crazy.

OK, here is what someone I know did. Not that it's a great thing but, these people hate each other and have routinely engaged in physical fighting in their yards. The winner is always the one with the most helpers there at the time.

Materials- Oil drain pan, adjustable wrench and rubber kitchen gloves.

This guy crawls under his neighbors truck around three in the morning and drains all the oil out. The neighbors get up the next day and the last thing he hears is this truck driving down the road with a bad knock. The truck was never seen again. I guess it's good that I know someone like that, just NEVER want to piss them off.
Man you need to pull it from the garbage and at least stash it, its not yours to toss, next thing she'll sue for 2k cause it was givin to her by rockafellers uncles cousins former roomate.

Anyway put another coffee mug in its place, in fact go to garage sale and pick up old coffee maker and set it out next to the cup, with coffee in it and maybe a doughnut next to it as well. with photo of Juan Valdez on a stick.
Since shes a nut then you might as well get creative

HAHA! Beautiful! :biggrin:
More fun to do non destructive things to cars. Put long zip ties around drive shaft, they smack off the floorboard. Zip tie things that jingle to the underside of car.
Got several in the neighborhood that are nuts. Some close, some not so close. My favorites are one guy who sods his yard roughly 4 times a year only to get out there and water it and rake it until there is nothing left but dirt. Once he went to one of my other neighbors homes and accused him of directing a laser pointer into his house. After David told me about that one I noticed tin foil on his windows. He even created a playground in his backyard with a moat but has no kids. :confused:

The runner up is a pill head who will become a hermit for several months at a time then suddenly appear and proceed to tell any of the other neighbors who are outside just how much she likes herself and that her life really is ok. Very pretty girl but an absolute LOON!!!

Last but not least is the hippie chik down the street with the three legged male dog. She lets the dog take a dump and wiz in others yards which I normally wouldn't mind but my male dog doesn't care much for it as the hair on his back raises up whenever he sees him coming. Anytime she sees my dog outside while she is walking hers she stands in the street and yells for me to get Bandum (my dog) even though he doesn't bother them, I have always made sure of that. She then always tells me that there is a leash law although Bandum is in my yard. The funny thing is that I see her outside with her dog in the front yard just as Bandum does with no leash. I just laugh as it isn't worth the headache of pointing it out. Besides she hassles others way more than that and she is new to the neighborhood! Oh well. :D

Jim C.
I have one that is starting to go bad.
She started parking her car on the street just so that no one can park in front of her house.
I would love for a garbage truck to give it a new paint job.

Some old neighbors whir pot heads and would sit on their porch and smoke away and all of their smoke would blow right into our house.
So I go over one day I explained the problem and asked them very nicely if they could stop it and they said "sure no problem" and no animosity ever came from it, we would even talk BS once in a while. They whir ok people. Too bad they lost the house.
Who knows what type of people we are going to get now.