Almost an actual road kill

Jan 31, 2006
Cruising down the highway
I am coming up on two bikers female on the center lane male on the right lane
I come around them on the left lane and with plenty of distance I work my way over to the right lane for my exit (another hwy) as I get close to my exit the male biker comes around me fast and close.
As he enters the exit ramp and touches his brakes to make his way around the sharp turns.
So now I end up on his ass. As I don't need to hit the brakes because my car handles great. Anyways we come out of one turn and go into the other turn witch is even tighter, but on this one the biker hits the gas to try put some distance between us. But as he speeds up he had to lean harder into the turn and suddenly a bunch of sparks and a wobble comes from the bike.

My first thought was if he takes a spill I hope keeps going straight so that I can get around him, because if I hit the brakes too I am going to run this dude over.
After that scare i pull up next to him and tell him "Scary shit " he nods and i drive off.

Not a kill but almost a road kill.
Just did that very thing on 285 west bypass in Atlanta Friday night at 1 AM only I was in the right lane in my lifted. 4x4, F350 with the car hauler loaded. Wall to wall trucks in both right lanes as far as the eye can see front and back. I'm watching six pseudo bikers on Harley's slicing and dicing traffic in my mirrors. Their passing trucks wholesale in the left lanes and decide they want the next exit so two by two they slide very quickly in front of the truck to my left (who was tailgating the truck in front of him) and end up in front of me until all six are in the space of 2-3 car lengths (yea I know I was tailgating the truck in front too) and the last pair are just off my front bumper packed like sardines. The girl sitting behind her boyfriend on the last bike twists around to give me the finger and scream something unintelligible. I'm guessing she was concerned about me being 8-10 feet from her doing 65. I just threw my hands in the air and said "WHAT"! They all got off the exit before she could respond. This all happened in 15-20 seconds and they were gone. Could have been a disaster.

Just did that very thing on 285 west bypass in Atlanta Friday night at 1 AM only I was in the right lane in my lifted. 4x4, F350 with the car hauler loaded. Wall to wall trucks in both right lanes as far as the eye can see front and back. I'm watching six pseudo bikers on Harley's slicing and dicing traffic in my mirrors. Their passing trucks wholesale in the left lanes and decide they want the next exit so two by two they slide very quickly in front of the truck to my left (who was tailgating the truck in front of him) and end up in front of me until all six are in the space of 2-3 car lengths (yea I know I was tailgating the truck in front too) and the last pair are just off my front bumper packed like sardines. The girl sitting behind her boyfriend on the last bike twists around to give me the finger and scream something unintelligible. I'm guessing she was concerned about me being 8-10 feet from her doing 65. I just threw my hands in the air and said "WHAT"! They all got off the exit before she could respond. This all happened in 15-20 seconds and they were gone. Could have been a disaster.


dumb asses for sure.
I'll never ride someone's ass entering a turn they don't need the distraction . Guy at work was killed doing that, the car he was tailgating lost it bounced all the guard rail into him and it was ugly...

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I'll never ride someone's ass entering a turn they don't need the distraction . Guy at work was killed doing that, the car he was tailgating lost it bounced all the guard rail into him and it was ugly...

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
i didn't do it on purpose - I was starting the exit ramp at a certain speed (pretty fast as my car can handle it) and this genius cuts me off and then slams on his brakes to slow down and make his turn --- My life wasn't in danger his was, if he cared for his life he wouldn't have done such a stupid thing. I feel part of this is the "i'll sue you" mentality they just don't think what fun is all that money being spent from a wheel chair.