2f2f 2 good


Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
that movie was great, granted it did have some corney moments like the bridge jump but atleast they dont make fun of the domestics. in one scene brian and that black guy was talking about racing the yenko and the challanger and brian goes

"theres no way in the world were going to beat them two cars. the hemis pushing 425 hp and the camaro can peg the speedo in 5 seconds. were really going to have to pull something out of our ass this time"

needless to say the domestics were kicken there ass untill they pulled a ricer move and ran the camaro off the road to win. and even then the camaro nearly got him.

the funniest part of the movie was when the challanger and spider were racing, the black guys running his mouth at the line until he started reving that "hemi" and then he shut up and turned around and would not make eye contact.:D

the rice was out full foce at the theater and i was getting several good and bad comments about the gn but it was worth it.
So the Yenko is the one that was destroyed or the Hemi? I'm sure they were both clones (I hope:rolleyes:)but at least they admit they are bad a$$. Just figures they have to pull a chicken **** move and run the Yenko off the road. :mad: So did the Hemi win?
the hemi kicks the spiders ass, then the evo runs the camaro off the road but the camaro nearly beats the evo to the line. :rolleyes: tag team drag race.

in the end both the "hemi" and "yenko" are destroyed. the hemi dont even have a hemi in it but the yenko is a exact replica of a yenko. i dont even see why they had to wreck all them yenkos because the stunt did not work out and 3/4 of it is computer animated. it races a boat (huge cruzer yat(sp) doing 120 down a river :rolleyes: ) and then jumps on to its deck. besides that one stunt and about 2 seconds of drifting most of the stunts are with real cars.

one thing that i noticed is all the advertiseing, like a supra crashing in to a pepsi sign and all the dodge trucks that were the exact same truck other then color used in the wearhouse scene. and year one is posted on EVERY CAR.
its good??? i was going to guess that it was horrible. usually sequels are worse than the origional, and the origional was the wors movie i've ever seen. i might have to make a trip down to the theater and see it, hopefully there will be some rice to eat down there :D
I saw the Yenkos and Challengers in person. They had two of each. One Challenger had a hemi, the other had a 440. Both were super clean...even the "lesser" one was beautiful. Both Camaros were equally as nice. Supposedly they were real Yenkos, but I doubt it. One of em had a sYc sticker on teh headrest with bubbles in it, poorly applied. I didnt get to look under the hood of those.

I was told the part where the Vette crashes into the Saleen (there were five of them total) was an accident and they worked it into the movie. Not sure though. notice the top is up during the wreck and down during the previous chase scene. When the other cars drive through the wreck, there's tons of yellowish powder everywhere...possibly from the fire department?
They only had 1 Real Hemi Challenger and 1 Real Yenko, and neither got messed up, they were used for all the scenes where there were no stunts.... The other scenes they built replicas for....

And yeah that Vette crash wasnt staged but they worked it in...
I saw the charger used in the first one at universal studios in florida, what a piece!!! beat worse than what you would expect to see in a junk yard, the paint looked like it was spray paint, the blower was a plastic dummy blower with the fuel lines cut, i'm guessing it was carberated underneith. and the ricers they had all looked like crap too, but thats what I excpected.
2 fast 2 furious is definatly ranked as one of the WORST movies I have EVER seen....aint that right bro

paul walker should be shot for being such a bad actor but tyrese was frickin hilarious
I thought it was pretty good. Of course people are going to say it's bad because of all the import domination. If there was a turbo Regal as the star everyone up here would say it was the best movie ever. Of course it's not very realistic, but what car movie is? Could Christine really restore herself? Could KITT do all that stuff they showed? Of course not. It's a movie that was made to entertain, not be realistic. If you go there expecting real life scenarios then you shouldn't be going to movies.
Christine had meaning and depth.

2 Fast 2 Furious was boring as hell compared to the first or at least I thought. All about flash and glamour(pop culture) and lacked the classic vin diesel dialogue from the first.
Originally posted by denn454
I saw the charger used in the first one at universal studios in florida, what a piece!!! beat worse than what you would expect to see in a junk yard, the paint looked like it was spray paint, the blower was a plastic dummy blower with the fuel lines cut, i'm guessing it was carberated underneith. and the ricers they had all looked like crap too, but thats what I excpected.
Yea, that Charger from the 1st show was decent from a short distance but nothing special up close. Fake blower. The company that built it runs all the Autoramas and has it stored in their facility in Rochester Hills, MI. The employees don't know to turn off their alarm on the weekends and I've had to make a trip there several times. Got an up close and personal inspection of the car.
Originally posted by kurst
... lacked the classic vin diesel dialogue from the first.

classic??? hes the worst actor there has ever been! after seeing fast & the furious i didn't even want to see XXX because i knew he was in it. Maybe its just the way he is, but i think hes a horrible actor. but they did have a few cool things written for him to say.
Vin Diesel did as much with that role as could possibly be done. Even Roger Ebert said that. Great performance, bad role/bad movie. Anyone who can do that "live my life a quarter mile at a time" with a straight face is a good actor. He played that role with a Godfather twist, which is saying a lot, given the movie. XXX was a let down, but Pitch Black & Boiler Room are awesome flicks. He got his break by writing, staring, directing his own movies for Cannes. With his own money. The guy can act, but hasn't had a big serious role yet. Can't blame him for taking what he can when it's offered.
what i saw wasn't too great. when he does have something with more potential than just a street race (maybe he had to dumb himself down for that) that he does good then ill change my mind.
What were those things that they would shoot at the car and looked like it fried the electrical system, is that a real device or movie prop made up.
Vin Diesel can't be all bad. After all he was smart enough not to take a part in this sequel. That has to say something for him.:D
Movie prop I imagine. I dont know how shorting out someone's fender could shut a car down. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of EMP device. (Electro magnetic pulse)

And by the way, most police departments won't pursue for street racing. :(
Movie prop I imagine. I dont know how shorting out someone's fender could shut a car down. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of EMP device. (Electro magnetic pulse)

what its "ment to do" is send a electrical shock threw the cars chassis and short out the computer, fuel pump, ect, ect. they actully have a experimental rocket rc car that they can shoot under a car and pop up wires that they can shock a car with but i doubt if any police car willl ever see that modle

they also have a "spike strip" sort of deal with wires that brush up agenst the frame. personally i think it would be a good idea to put 1 inch turbular bars on a pivot that police can pop up and lock in place about ever 15 miles on major highways in places like california where people run from the cops on a weekly basis. they could get ahead of the guy and pop them strips up right before he hits them. even if the cars got to much under coating on it, it dont matter because the bars are going to puntch/scrape threw the undercarage of most cars and send a electrical shock in to the car. true it would not work on older cars and such but it would give hell to the tires and electrical systems of newer cars and trucks.

personally i dont see how a electrical device like that would work on cars like the evo and skyline that have plastic body panels.