200r4 "burn out"

Not knowing if it is right or wrong, I leave it in drive. I'm not smart enough to do a burn-out in a different gear and remember to put it back into drive beofre I run.
All three baby! I heat em up good! Then I do a sissy low boost launch and run 1.65 60's.....LOL!
Originally posted by XLR8
Not knowing if it is right or wrong, I leave it in drive. I'm not smart enough to do a burn-out in a different gear and remember to put it back into drive beofre I run.

I can relate, normally I'm pretty smart but all my ability to think gets lost in the staging lanes, must be the excitement, I've staged with either the AC on, window down, seat belt off, etc....seems like every week the track guys yell at me for someting I've forgoten. At least they know my name now.
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