'03 Cobra


Hard Member
Dec 17, 2001
Has anyone raced one yet or seen one run? I saw a convertable at the track a couple of weeks back and ran a 13.85 all stock. I can't rmember the MPH. He never made another pass, besides he didn't look like he knew what was going on. So, I hate to speculate on one event.

Let me know 'cause I'm looking.
13.87?! Wow, that person needs to get out and drive some more. lol Even without Evan Smith doing the driving, it SHOULD be able to pull off a high 12...oh well, I've still yet to see one on the road. :( Can't wait though! Hehe.
Thanks for the links....had fun reading. :) But, the videos in the last link....it said "file does not exist, download canceled" or something like that. Could one of you guys please try to host these on a different server so I can see? :D Thanks.
Well, they got a best of 12.97 at 104 or something close to that from the 03 Mach 1, which is a n/a 4.6 with some bolt-ons. So a blown/tweaked 4.6 4V should have more balls than 12.97........I'd like to run one just for craps and giggles. I've already eaten a 95 snake, so why not see what Mr. SVT has in store now!