'01 Cobra....the next time


Active Member
May 26, 2001
I'm at the track a couple weeks ago on Test and Tune night and my first 4 runs are with other GN/T's....just fooling around stuff where we both are just trying for good times and I was experimenting with converter flashing launches and different fueling percentages.

My last run was without any turbo Buick partner...and I find myself paired against a Silver Mustang Cobra with blue flames painted on front. We had about 5 minutes to wait so I say something like...nice car what year? '01 he says...and mentions that it's almost stock. Of course it is I thought. Good looking I say as I try to compliment everybody's ride...one car guy to another so to speak. So the conversation stays on Mustangs...I continue to agree and say nice things about his and other Mustangs and after a couple minutes I realize he has said nothing about the car I am sitting it...nothing at all....only Mustang this Mustang that. And even though I continue to be nice, polite, and complimentary my anger at this guy's lack of reciprocation is causing me to plan on his demise....with extreme prejudice. (Flash the converter at first yellow I think) ...oh yeah that '05 Mustang is really nice...(gotta concentrate on launching JUST at the last yellow)...yep that new Shelby will be a nice ride... (lemme check to be sure floor mat isn't under accelerator)...yep your flames are really nice looking....(insure nice clean burnout)...oh yeah Carroll Shelby is a genius... (drive around water box)....and so it went until....

Well, it looks like it's about our turn...see you at the other end I say...but I'm thinking I'm gonna stomp him so bad that the next time he's talking to a guy in a Turbo Regal, or about a turbo Regal, or drives past a Buick dealer, or sees a Buick, he may not mention this beating he is about to get...but he sure as hell will remember it!!

He leaves .2 secs early, I cut a .070 light, and even with my normal wheelspin and 1.8x 60' I'm thru the traps in 11.67 @ 119.8 .... about .2 sec before he gets to the 1000' mark.

I felt real good about that...but wished my 60' was better

Great Job!! I just hate the arrogance of some "Stang drivers........
Nice kill:cool:
Do you ever go to Edgewater in Cincinnati? Last Friday, I was the only TR there out of 300+ cars:( Where do you run at? How far from Cincy?
Thanks, Kevin
I can't wait to do the same :p

But they won't know what hit them.. I don't pop my hood at the track, only little bit. Ohther wise this winter has been very good on the mods. My old time was with a stock turbo and bad stock MAF.

That was a good kill on the mustang guy LOL he prob ran to his performance shop and said " what can I do to make this faster"
Great kill!!
Next time he'll pay more attention to all the old Buicks that he lines up next to.
if he didnt know it was GN, he probably assumed it was a Monte DeCarlo-ssss.