I'm Jus' Askin'.....


Gray Beard Member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Sep 24, 2010
The original "Jake, from State Farm" WAS the average guy, until diversity reared it's head.......

Now he's canceled? We can't have a happy medium?



Now we suddenly have this fellow, not that there's anything wrong with it.

But, the question is .... WHY?


Or reverse discrimination?


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When I was a kid Reggie Jackson was a great baseball player. That is exactly how my brother & I saw him. A ball player. Nothing more, or less.
These days however it is forced upon us to see people as white, black, brown, yellow, red... Have you listened to Willy T Ribbs (ex-racecar driver) talk these days? Its all about how poorly he was treated in his career. He wont let you see him as a racecar driver any longer. He wants to be seen as nothing more than a black victim as far as I can tell.

Listen to Oprah, or that weather man AL Roker etc., and pay attention when they ask them whats their favorite music, or actor perhaps. Their answer is always the same race. 100% of the time. But yet I know plenty of other race people who like Michael Jackson music, or Denzel Washington movies even though that person is not that race.

Jake at State Farm above is simple. As a white man I will buy product from vendors that I like. I don't care at the least if Reggie Jackson is their spokesman or Jay Leno. But, other races will simply not use a company that does not have a spokesman of their own race. So... Knowing that ~ companies like State Farm will slot in a new black spokesman knowing that I the white guy will not see the color, but that the other races do, and they will only give them business if the spokesman is their race (which means that by using a black Jake they get most all of the consumers).

Most every brand has bent to this new rule. Look at all of the interracial couples on every commercial now. Jeeps, Restaurants, furniture companies, Insurance, medicine, it is an indoctrination that is being pushed on us even though it is a very small percentage of reality.

Over a period of 4 months it was concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12% they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads. White males make up the largest segment of our population, yet were only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60's to 80's and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While this study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that each and every ad for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln. Only one ad included a white male passenger and he is not behind the wheel, a black woman is. In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here. Mercedes and BMW had no visible drivers. They showed the cars cruising highways with license plates that were obviously European but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. I find that very interesting. Finally, Hispanic, Asian & Middle Eastern men outnumbered white men 4 to 1, but still were nowhere near the number of black men in TV commercials.

My questions:

Who casts these commercial shoots? Who directs the directors to cast certain ‘types’? How did this trend in commercials happen all at the same time? at federal government direction? Conspiracy? What is going on here?
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When I was a kid Reggie Jackson was a great baseball player. That is exactly how my brother & I saw him. A ball player. Nothing more, or less.
These days however it is forced upon us to see people as white, black, brown, yellow, red... Have you listened to Willy T Ribbs (ex-racecar driver) talk these days? Its all about how poorly he was treated in his career. He wont let you see him as a racecar driver any longer. He wants to be seen as nothing more than a black victim as far as I can tell.

Listen to Oprah, or that weather man AL Roker etc., and pay attention when they ask them whats their favorite music, or actor perhaps. Their answer is always the same race. 100% of the time. But yet I know plenty of other race people who like Michael Jackson music, or Denzel Washington movies even though that person is not that race.

Jake at State Farm above is simple. As a white man I will buy product from vendors that I like. I don't care at the least if Reggie Jackson is their spokesman or Jay Leno. But, other races will simply not use a company that does not have a spokesman of their own race. So... Knowing that ~ companies like State Farm will slot in a new black spokesman knowing that I the white guy will not see the color, but that the other races do, and they will only give them business if the spokesman is their race (which means that by using a black Jake they get most all of the consumers).

Most every brand has bent to this new rule. Look at all of the interracial couples on every commercial now. Jeeps, Restaurants, furniture companies, Insurance, medicine, it is an indoctrination that is being pushed on us even though it is a very small percentage of reality.

Over a period of 4 months it was concluded that while the African American population in America is only 12% they were in 94.3% of the commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population yet were in 89.7% of the ads. White males make up the largest segment of our population, yet were only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in their 60's to 80's and were pushing medication for debilitating diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While this study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands out is that each and every ad for new cars featured a woman driver except for Lincoln. Only one ad included a white male passenger and he is not behind the wheel, a black woman is. In the commercials for automobiles there were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the exception here. Mercedes and BMW had no visible drivers. They showed the cars cruising highways with license plates that were obviously European but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. I find that very interesting. Finally, Hispanic, Asian & Middle Eastern men outnumbered white men 4 to 1, but still were nowhere near the number of black men in TV commercials.

My questions:

Who casts these commercial shoots? Who directs the directors to cast certain ‘types’? How did this trend in commercials happen all at the same time? at federal government direction? Conspiracy? What is going on here?
Well said.. Eddie Murray, Dave Parker, George Foster, Dave Winfield J.R. Richard all childhood favorites never not once did the fact that they're black enter into anything.
Wow, that's deep I never looked at commercials like that or cared for that matter. If I like the brand or product I buy from you regardless of how your spokespeople look...I don't care what race or religion you are.
Look at all of the interracial couples on every commercial now. Jeeps, Restaurants, furniture companies, Insurance, medicine, it is an indoctrination that is being pushed on us even though it is a very small percentage of reality
I was telling my wife about that last year and once I noticed it , I can't help but pick it out every time . Also many shows & soap operas have to have the Gay couples and focus on their relationship . It seems like they are trying to normalize the life style . I personally don't care if someone is Gay , that's their business just don't push it on people !
I was telling my wife about that last year and once I noticed it , I can't help but pick it out every time . Also many shows & soap operas have to have the Gay couples and focus on their relationship . It seems like they are trying to normalize the life style . I personally don't care if someone is Gay , that's their business just don't push it on people !

Yes I am sure you are correct. Just like it is said that video games have desensitized many of our youth, seeing things like this (whenever it is possible to interject it) will simply normalize it.

I think it is certainly being pushed on people. A lot of things that are so far into the minority are.
I have this data as well:

This should be a wake-up call if you don’t already know this… A recent poll was conducted by a national polling outfit. This one was "YouGov”. Results to these questions asked of average people on the street.

What percentage of the country is black? Answers 41%... Actual 12%.
If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%.

What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Answer 50%...Actual 1%.
If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%.

What percentage is "Latino"? Answers 39%... Actual numbers 17%.

How many families make over $500,000 a year? Answers 26%... Actual
figure 1%. We think a quarter of the country is rich.

What percent of Americans are vegetarians? Response? 30%… Actual 5%.

What percent of Americans live in NY city? Answers? 30%... Actual 3%.

What percentage of Americans are 'transgender? 22%... Actual number 1%
(People believe this BS!).

What percentage of your fellow citizens are Gay? Result? 30%... Actual 3%.

So why do people have such inaccurate thoughts on these counts? THE MEDIA! The media run race, gender, and wealth stories constantly.
Result? We are being brainwashed by the national left with the media.

Disney just went full-on "gender" They will no longer welcome guests with the traditional "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls"
Why? Because 1% of the population dictates to the other 99% (that would be the vast majority) and corporate America falls for it.

Regardless of what you think. Less than 20% of Americans use "Twitter" yet Twitter controls 80% of public opinion, why? The media.

This is all happening while we stand on the sidelines watching.
12% of the population is now influencing 100% of US advertising. And more.

How the FUCK does that make sense?

Answer? It doesn't. Not in the least.

WHY is this happening?

My dumbfuck 28 year old son thinks I should be criminalized for these thoughts. He has NO idea where this is all headed.
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It makes total sense. They don't want to be "canceled", they want to appease the great liberal/progressive gods. In other words the democrat mafia who controls all means of communication and will destroy them at will if they go against their agenda.
This is all happening while we stand on the sidelines watching.
Bingo.. you win the prize, though i must admit i am sometimes caught looking... as in did that really just happen?? o_O

Its at that point i remember who we are looking at...:rolleyes: Some things never change.. as in you can't have a intelligent conversion with a idiot... especially one with money.
I have this data as well:

This should be a wake-up call if you don’t already know this… A recent poll was conducted by a national polling outfit. This one was "YouGov”. Results to these questions asked of average people on the street.

What percentage of the country is black? Answers 41%... Actual 12%.
If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%.

What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Answer 50%...Actual 1%.
If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%.

What percentage is "Latino"? Answers 39%... Actual numbers 17%.

How many families make over $500,000 a year? Answers 26%... Actual
figure 1%. We think a quarter of the country is rich.

What percent of Americans are vegetarians? Response? 30%… Actual 5%.

What percent of Americans live in NY city? Answers? 30%... Actual 3%.

What percentage of Americans are 'transgender? 22%... Actual number 1%
(People believe this BS!).

What percentage of your fellow citizens are Gay? Result? 30%... Actual 3%.

So why do people have such inaccurate thoughts on these counts? THE MEDIA! The media run race, gender, and wealth stories constantly.
Result? We are being brainwashed by the national left with the media.

Disney just went full-on "gender" They will no longer welcome guests with the traditional "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls"
Why? Because 1% of the population dictates to the other 99% (that would be the vast majority) and corporate America falls for it.

Regardless of what you think. Less than 20% of Americans use "Twitter" yet Twitter controls 80% of public opinion, why? The media.

This is all happening while we stand on the sidelines watching.
When reality and belief diverge, think about how nasty the people are pushing the crap on us that caused such a disconnect.
WHY is this happening?

It's the dumbing down of society that's causing people to be led by their emotion rather than logic. Hey, thinking for ones self is too hard nowadays, so it's much easier to jump on the train that everyone else is riding...even if it's about to plung off a cliff. Can't be caught standing alone, can we? Easier to feel accepted by our peers if we blindly agree with everything they do...the latest trend, ect. This is more evident than ever, by that thing that happened a couple years ago. You know, the thing! The thing that is a common occurrence in third world countries, yet it managed to happen in a first world country. It happened because people are now led by their emotions. People need to feel all warm and fuzzy inside...even if it means ripping apart the fabric of society.
I have this data as well:

This should be a wake-up call if you don’t already know this… A recent poll was conducted by a national polling outfit. This one was "YouGov”. Results to these questions asked of average people on the street.

What percentage of the country is black? Answers 41%... Actual 12%.
If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%.

What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Answer 50%...Actual 1%.
If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%.

What percentage is "Latino"? Answers 39%... Actual numbers 17%.

How many families make over $500,000 a year? Answers 26%... Actual
figure 1%. We think a quarter of the country is rich.

What percent of Americans are vegetarians? Response? 30%… Actual 5%.

What percent of Americans live in NY city? Answers? 30%... Actual 3%.

What percentage of Americans are 'transgender? 22%... Actual number 1%
(People believe this BS!).

What percentage of your fellow citizens are Gay? Result? 30%... Actual 3%.

So why do people have such inaccurate thoughts on these counts? THE MEDIA! The media run race, gender, and wealth stories constantly.
Result? We are being brainwashed by the national left with the media.

Disney just went full-on "gender" They will no longer welcome guests with the traditional "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls"
Why? Because 1% of the population dictates to the other 99% (that would be the vast majority) and corporate America falls for it.

Regardless of what you think. Less than 20% of Americans use "Twitter" yet Twitter controls 80% of public opinion, why? The media.

This is all happening while we stand on the sidelines watching.

The how is, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Most normal people try to avoid conflict if they can. It is just so easy to say, "Well, I don't think it is right but it really doesn't affect me so I guess it is okay" and say nothing while the small wheel that is squeaking gets a microphone and a bull horn from the media. Now more people hear the wheel and say, well if it is that big of an issue, maybe there is something to it and some of them start squeaking right along with it and passing out Kool-aide to anyone who will drink it.

It seems to me that anyone who sees the real numbers should see the truth and be able to figure out what is going on. The problem is that everyone loves free Kool-aide.