SGRIM is a babysitter


In Between GN's
Dec 24, 2005
I need to rant.

I have been on this board for 4 years now. I have owned 3 TR's since 1990.
I have learned more about these cars in the 4 years on than all of the other years combined. My only other source of info back in the day was ATR newsletters.:eek:

That being said:

I have read my share of negative comments directed at Shane and other moderators in my time on here. Although they are few and far between. I just want to say that I support them and what they are doing. It must be a real PITA to keep up with all the whining and complaing some days by a bunch of grown ups. But he keeps doing it. This is just a thread to say "Thank you" and keep doing what your doing. If someone doesnt like the way this board is run there are other TR forums out there for them to go to. I know he doesnt want to be a babysitter... but I know from experience thats what he feels like sometimes.

Nobody is perfect and you cant please all of the people all of the time.

Not trying to start a "pot stirring" thread...just saying whats on my mind. I have 13 employess and I sure dont get any pats on the back in my days work so I figured I would give it to someone else.

Thanks Shane.

I have to agree 100% !!! Keep up the good work. There are many of us that DO appreciate it. Thanks again.
I've seen this board change owners three times, same thing with each owner. You can't satisfy everyone. People take everything for granted and expect things given to them. In the case of this board, Shane shouldn't have to put up with bs, if you don't like the way it's run, move on. Plain and simple.
I will admit that I take this site for granted. I mill around here on a daily (work week) basis.

Thanks to all those involved in keeping this site going.
Considering how much work this board is I think Shane deserves a big pat on the back myself. The information here as well as the friends I've found are great and even the trolls that only come to agitate us here, I enjoy them sometimes. The fact that this is provided by one person with support from vendors and no fees is great and it gives all of a chance to help each other.

Me too! Great Job Shane!


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You're the one in the middle. right Ty?:eek: :biggrin: LOL
That is Nelson Febus, The legend himself Shane Grimsley, and me.

First time I have gotten to meet Shane in person and he has a heart of gold!
That is Nelson Febus, The legend himself Shane Grimsley, and me.

First time I have gotten to meet Shane in person and he has a heart of gold!

One of these days I'll get to meet some of you in person instead of on line.:biggrin:

I dont know, The guy i'm talking about loves GN's he almost Lives 4 them;)

I'm thinking of a different troll. He's a died in the wool liberal that uses a bunch of pics and has very low intellegence. The one you're talking about will take some time but he can be cured. Ignorance can be cured but stupidity can't.:eek: :biggrin:

Me too! Great Job Shane!

so which ones shane? i know the curly hair dude is febus

nice way to kiss the bosses a$$ tho, but im with you i like this board and ive had my fair share of head butting with him but i came to realize that i was defending the wrong people
so which ones shane? i know the curly hair dude is febus

nice way to kiss the bosses a$$ tho, but im with you i like this board and ive had my fair share of head butting with him but i came to realize that i was defending the wrong people

I am the big red headed country boy in the middle:biggrin:

I think I am going to fall over after reading that last line:eek: I tried to tell you dude... I am not the big bad ogar some make me out to be:wink:

I appreciate all the kind words guys! I saw this yesterday and didn't want to post. I went to bed with a little smile on my face as I thought about it. A little appreciation makes it all worth while...

I love this community and 99% of the folks in it;)

The board would be worthless with out the members so I thank you guys too!!!
Shane, YOU da man. :cool: Much love to ya.

And now in a slightly more educated vernacular.

Shane, everything that you do for this board and this community is greatly appreciated. We thank you very much.
I'll give Shane props as well. This is one of the best boards in the automotive community as far as I'm concerned. That's why I'm here post-whoring my work days away every day. :D Shane actually steered me back over here right after I got my GN back in October. I think he was on the Cherokee SRT8 forum at the time.

So as I have said before, many thanks, Shane. You do a great job with this place. And I know I have had some questions and posted in or started a couple of threads on different matters lately. I hope you didn't take those as any type of personal jab toward you. That was not my intent at all.
I'll give Shane props as well. This is one of the best boards in the automotive community as far as I'm concerned. That's why I'm here post-whoring my work days away every day. :D Shane actually steered me back over here right after I got my GN back in October. I think he was on the Cherokee SRT8 forum at the time.

So as I have said before, many thanks, Shane. You do a great job with this place. And I know I have had some questions and posted in or started a couple of threads on different matters lately. I hope you didn't take those as any type of personal jab toward you. That was not my intent at all.

You know what buddy? He DID take it personally and were coming after you. We are gonna hunt you down with extreme prejudice. Just ignore the red dot on your chest...

Just some light humor Baron. You know Im kidding? Right?

I actually do feel bad for Shane. He runs the site and enjoys it at the same time. I posted a few weeks ago about how he gets it from both sides. Members don't like "freedom" the board has being taken away but, some vendors will complain about anything in scope for what they are advertising for. You can't sell xy or z unless you are a vendor. Although not all vendors care, they love the TBs like the rest of us and have a hobby they make money at, rather than a business they make money at.

The reality is that there are people from all over the world on here. You will not be able to fit everybody's beliefs and moral convictions into what each member thinks is correct, it just can't happen. There are people on here that I would have a difficult time hanging out with and some that would be great friends. Pick and choose. Imagine how admins should approach sensitive subjects and crazy, I mean the other 1% which is a fair number of members...