My wife hates my car


Jan 24, 2003
God bless her, she's great, but she hates my car.

She doesn't hate the fact that I have a car, She hates this car.
She's one of the "Nice Monte" or my newest insult "Nice Grand Prix" (Idiot at the mall last week) people.

She likes to go cruising and go to shows and even the track with me, but she hates riding in my car. When we had a 98' SS, she would go around the world with me. When she is in the Buick, she rolls up the tinted window so noone will see her. She says she's cold. It's 85 degrees.

She can't distinguish between a Turbo Regal and a 85 Cutlass Supreme with the headliner falling down. I've tried and triedto explain the difference but to no avail. So if you see me driving around St. Charles Co with the passenger window up, watch your language because my wife is hiding somewhere in the car

Please tell me I'm not the only one...:confused:
my old girlfriend used to not like my grocery getter. until we pulled up to a vette and handed him his ass.:D
all the serious relationships ive been in it seems they all hated my car cause of the money factor. they say i love my car more than them. well maybe because the car doesent mess with me as muich as they do.:D
My wife likes my car.:) She even went on a few Power Tours with me and left the window down.:D
Originally posted by turbot2112
all the serious relationships ive been in it seems they all hated my car cause of the money factor. they say i love my car more than them. well maybe because the car doesent mess with me as muich as they do.:D
I agree with you on this one. My wife is pretty cool most of the time about it but she has her momments.
Get a new wife! My wife said if i go to another NHRA event , she was gonna leave me- Im gonna miss her!
My girlfriend won't even sit in my car! I finally got her to go to a cruise night, but she took hr own car ,because she hates mine so much. I don't get it:confused:
Same here fellas

I had a mint TTA and my current so so condition GN. I sold the TTA to a friend with the promise if he ever sold it I would git first dibs. My wife was pissed because she loved the TTA. Anyway buddy screwed me for some reason and sold the TTA to someone else for 3500 bucks less than he paid me for it and knew I would give him back for it. Years later my wife still hates my GN because of the history. But, she is cool as hell about it and tolerates me restoring it and spending cash on it. She just wishes I would have sold the GN and kept the TTA. I should git rid of it but for some reason I like the car. Its had a ton of problems that I'm still working on but I guess I'd kinda feel like a quitter if I got rid of it. LOL Anyway if she truly loves you she'll tolerate your car but if it ain't her thing, it ain't her thing and probably nothing gonna change that.
Yo Daviss,

Welcome to the club. My wife despises my 2 GNs. I'm lucky in that I owned both cars before I ever met her...and they are paid for. That plus I can fix anything that goes wrong with them that is important to me, leaves her with little room to complain. Except the money that goes into the TSM car for head gaskets ;) :D :rolleyes: :(
My g/f doesnt like my car , but maybe its because its a Ford... Looks like I better sell it for a Turbo Buick... ;)
My g/f doesnt like my car , but maybe its because its a Ford... Looks like I better sell it for a Turbo Buick... ;)
Originally posted by red89notch
My g/f doesnt like my car , but maybe its because its a Ford... Looks like I better sell it for a Turbo Buick... ;)
I don't blame her if she doesn't like it, ask her if she wants to ride in a real car like mine:D. Anyway just sell it and buy a Buick. It doesn't take much $$$ to get these cars to run. Hope you get one soon.

Yeah , yeah , yeah... DCVING 6 tells me that all the time... I just need about 10k so I can actually start with a clean , nonabused GN or T type....:D Trust me , I love the whistling sound , looks of the G body , and most important the speed with very little $$$ :)
My wife likes my TR. She liked my Mustang but not nearly as much as the Regal. She wanted it more than me the first time we saw it and the engine wasn't even in it. She has already given me money for new carpet. Once I get it running right I am going to let her drive it with the boost turned down of course.
My wife had company the other day and one of them said is that a Monte Carlo SS? She said yes, it is. Someone please pull the knife out of my back.
i'm not looking forward to moving in with my girlfriend... i'm going to have get a secret second job to pay for the GN..