Tools for rebuilding?


PHD of Hotrods
May 25, 2001
Does anyone know whereto get the tools for a rebuild? Short of peicing things together, is there some place that sells a tool kit?

I know snap on , and matco offers some tools kits but I havn t been able to locate anything particular.

Anyone want to sell some used tools, and case holder, pliers etc.
I built my own tools. I made a case holder that mounts the trans to my engine stand, and allows easy rotation. Once you start the build (or even the teardown) its easy to see what tools are required for re-assembly- and they were simple to make with basic fabrication skills.

The only tool I couldnt make was a dial indicator with the magnetic base. They can be found at places like for like $25 or less. I happened to already have a Craftsman.