Parts for sale


If your missing threads in the parts for sale section and have no idea why
Everyone should be aware, as of now, i will just delete all your for sale threads if you continue to flood the parts for sale section.

2 threads first 4 pages, out of courtesy to other members, keep your threads down to 2, not 4,5,or even 6 threads on the first front page.
If someone makes a mistake since they are new, and lists multiple items, i normally combine threads and notify members of our policy... If that member keeps flooding the forum, the threads will automatically be deleted. Same goes with senior members with multiple threads, its not tough to keep 2 threads going.

If you TTT all your old threads, i will either delete the thread, or combine the threads which ever i think is best for the situation.

Also If you have 2 threads going on the first page, and someone inquires one of your older threads, i normally see this and dont delete. But if you start TTT the other older threads they ALL get deleted.

Please read rules & regulations in this forum

Its been there since 2003
Trunk seal, torque strap and seat belt guides are sold and shipped (yesterday). Windshield washer bottle and owners manual still for sale.