I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

This pos is a communist through and through, has sold us out to the chinese, russians, ukrainians, iranians, hates Israel, etc. Any kind of support for this traitor is unacceptable especially when it comes to national security. And he wants to totally open our borders to anyone who wants to come in.
I know you don't support those things in the least, maybe a better word than support would be in order. ;)

What word would you use, then?

If the dick bag becomes president, then it is what it is. If that very fact becomes the case, are you gonna act like the fucktards that didn't like Trump, and stoop to the lows they did? Or, are you going to be an adult about it?

That's the point I'm trying to make.

We just went nuclear!

Just the tip of the ice berg. The scamdemic has always been about cheating through the mail. CDC says today they'll be no separate accounting of deaths this year for the flu but will be listed as "the covid", can't stand that term because it is protecting the ccp and their responsibility. How to h e double tooth picks does about 1 million deaths worldwide in 1 year constitute a pandemic!
What word would you use, then?

If the dick bag becomes president, then it is what it is. If that very fact becomes the case, are you gonna act like the fucktards that didn't like Trump, and stoop to the lows they did? Or, are you going to be an adult about it?

That's the point I'm trying to make.


Nope, but would be fool hardy to not have a total investigation into him, cameltoe, his pos son, the laptop, his bragging at the even bigger pos cfr meeting that he's their thug. These two should not be anywhere near the White House but the Big House.
As far as another word for support, I don't know if I can come up with one since everyone of his policies are towards weakening and destroying all that our country was built on.
American patriots don't go out and riot, burn and kill like the demonrat supporters do. However I think they can only be pushed so far and wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
Right now we just wait for the courts and process to play out in a nice civilized manner right.
Nope, but would be fool hardy to not have a total investigation into him, cameltoe, his pos son, the laptop, his bragging at the even bigger pos cfr meeting that he's their thug. These two should not be anywhere near the White House but the Big House.
As far as another word for support, I don't know if I can come up with one since everyone of his policies are towards weakening and destroying all that our country was built on.
American patriots don't go out and riot, burn and kill like the demonrat supporters do. However I think they can only be pushed so far and wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
Right now we just wait for the courts and process to play out in a nice civilized manner right.

Yup, very right. :cool:

Really, what else can he say, without the U.S. support they'd be a in a lot of trouble. Bet is that pos gets in he'll move the embassy back to Tel Aviv. There's lots of stories that plugs has converted to islam, that's why he slipped and used that arabic term in the one debate. "allah be willing"
I don’t see anything that that Trump or Biden could do that would effect my life.

Here are two for you:

Biden said another lock down will probably be needed

Then he is going to kill the oil industry while he is doing that (he is only going to be able to start it), you will be paying high prices, if you can even find any, for gasoline.
The biggest travesty now, regardless of who wins, half the country will not accept the results. The damage done by a partial media that refused to do it's job. I don't how you put the genie back in the bottle. The back and forth with Ray has made me think hard about what is going on, so let's say I calm down (hard to do) and think about what would be a good outcome, the only good outcome is for the curtain to be pulled back so that we have confidence in a) the information coming from the news and b) that ALL politicians will be held accountable by the media and the law. The question is, is that remotely possible? I have to say the odds are not good.

The only way I could see this be peaceful hinges on the Demoncratic Party (yes, I spelled it correctly) and the MSM. They will have to admit that the election was influenced biased to their side and that Bit'em did not win. They won't even have to claim responsibility. They can blame it on the Russians or the Chinese or whomever except the for right wing, but they will have to be unified in admitting it from Pelosi and Maxeen Whaters to AOC and Bernie. Then the MSM will have to push that story just like they did the original Russian hoax. Acknowledge the election was messed up, stop blaming Trump for everything, and get back to real news.

Of course, since the left is incapable of tolerance, shame, rational thought, and telling the truth, this will never happen.
I know that Politicians will say what ever they need to win but Bit'em states on one day that he "Will unite the country." The next day he states the first thing I will do is un-do everything that Trump (who half of the country just voted to support) has done. Sounds like a great way to bring the country together. Oh wait, I guess we will all be united when everybody has to stand in the same bread lines.
Here in Kentucky it has to be your driver's license as it has the "QR" code on it.

I have 2 AZ voter registration cards I keep in my wallet. Both say they are from 1990, they have all the same information on them but one says it's only good for the 2006 election on the back, I'm not sure what that's about, but I kept it anyway.

GA is a double run off for the Senate seats. Send money to the 2 Republican candidates today!

You can bet Soros and Co. are sending money to the Dem candidates as we type!
Are you kidding me?
This is unbelievable.

"In addition to the watermark these official ballots also contained ink made of corn, which created an electronic radiation circuit ID that could trace the location of that ballot through GPS transmission. In other words, they could trace if the ballot was filled out by the person named on the ballot."
