?????Would you or Would you not?????

wow!!! man is there more woman like that in the area :biggrin: , she makes $80k a yr, is willing to buy you a GN:eek: , AND SHE'S 23!!!:eek: :eek:

I'd be getting my wedding ready if i were you :biggrin: , and looking for a buick:biggrin: an a serious note, if she's willing to buy you a car, take it, it's a gift from your future wife, if anything ever goes wrong, hyou could always pay her back. good luck and have a happy wedding:cool:
so i dont think she would try to take it back if n e thing did happen to our relationship.

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold,you break her heart she will break yours.Not sayin' what you got is a bad thing by a long shot,but fights do happen,and she'll have alot of dirt to throw back in your face.
50/50,finish your school and give some back.BTW,how old are you?
If your going to have her purchase you the gn then get it in writing that its a graduation gift to you so if anything was to happen, the gn stays with you.
Im not saying anything bad about your girl but you just never know what could happen in the future.Remember this is'nt a couple hundred dollar purchase,were talking about thousands of dollars here.And at the end of the day the 80 grand she make a year can only take her so far.
thanx guys , all valid opinions, but shes a gurl who has everythign she wants, she has money coming outt of all holes. and yeh im gonna get threw school for me ofcourse ( so i can pile all that money into the buick). but shes said it would be a just b/c gift. She has bought me 4 wheelers, dirtbikes, and put them in my name, so i dont think she would try to take it back if n e thing did happen to our relationship. but i am leaning towards buying it myself have a lil pride in it. Maybe she can buy me my 2nd or 3rd or both. Shes a sugar mama. She just bought me a new bow and arrow set up, that went for 1,400. haha. she loves to fish, im gettin her in the tree stand this coming year. I hope you guys get as lucky as i did. well sh*t you guys got turbobuicks, i dont. i can only hope to be as lucky as you
I don't mean this disrespectfully, but you are in for a rude awakening somewhere down the road. And I will let it be at that. Good luck, you are going to need it.
thanx guys , all valid opinions, but shes a gurl who has everythign she wants, she has money coming outt of all holes. and yeh im gonna get threw school for me ofcourse ( so i can pile all that money into the buick). but shes said it would be a just b/c gift. She has bought me 4 wheelers, dirtbikes, and put them in my name, so i dont think she would try to take it back if n e thing did happen to our relationship. but i am leaning towards buying it myself have a lil pride in it. Maybe she can buy me my 2nd or 3rd or both. Shes a sugar mama. She just bought me a new bow and arrow set up, that went for 1,400. haha. she loves to fish, im gettin her in the tree stand this coming year. I hope you guys get as lucky as i did. well sh*t you guys got turbobuicks, i dont. i can only hope to be as lucky as you

Does she have any sisters?:smile:
turbov8... im only 23. i dunno seems like theeres alotta of opinions here, sum of em ignorant and most of em arnt. but yeh 80k isnt gonna last long here, but when she graduates and gets a job in humar resources shes making over 100k a yr, and after i become a nurse then become a registered nurse ill be making over 100k a yr. what it comes down to is if im going to feel like waiting to pay off school and what not before i get one. And i probably wont. and no shes an only child guys. trust me i went threw plenty of women :) before i found this gurl. ive been in a big slump lately, shes been paying my bills for the past 8 months, so id be able to save some money, so thatll show u guys what kinda gurl she is.... QUICK ? ANY OF YOUR GF'S OR WIVES MAKE MORE MONEY THEN YOU GUYS? kinda hard situation but these days its happening al the time.
No brainer. How many times in ur life will a women buy YOU a car? Not many. It's about common sense not morals.

I agree with this...women expect us men to buy them all sorts of crap and thats ok by today's society. Guys do this all the time. But reverse the roles and suddenly its not? I'm all about equal rights.;) Hey- if shes offering I say why not? Life's too short....
I guess this is the modern man.

I can't even believe it really. To think that a "GROWN ASS MAN" needs a woman to dangle a carrot in front of him to graduate from school is in my mind not only ridiculous but also degrading and insulting. The fact that you are excited about it tells me more about you than anything else. My wife is a nurse and I can tell you, that kind of mentality is going to have you out of the nursing field in under a year if you make it through school. Nursing is not a field for people without some serious intestinal fortitude and drive.

What are you, some kind of him-bo? You should get a little pride, work hard, and buy your own toys when you can afford them.

Perhaps you should have her buy a few English textbooks so you can work on your very poor grammar instead. Poor communication skills will hinder you for the rest of your life. Cars come and go.
There is no free ride, for women or men either. It's either free for both, or it's free for neither. Nobody rides for free.
You might own the car, but she will own your soul.
Not all women are like this. My wife had to convince me to go into debt to buy my 87. I was thinking hard about it and she kept saying "you deserve a great car, GET IT!" I have known my wife since August 1983 and been married since August 91. She even bought me my daily driver S10 so the nice cars don't get smashed. :D

Sorry but im going to have to disagree with you on waiting after you get married.The minute he gets married its all over for him on buying thinks that he is interested in,we all know this.
This reminds me when i got ingage to my wife.the day that i propsed to her i told her with this ring comes a gn,which i new she was'nt going to say no because the ring came from her favorite jewelry store Tiffany's.:biggrin:.I also told her what i paid for the ring that she's been driving me crazy for 12 years is what im going to pay for the gn.A month later i got the gn and all hell broke out with we need the money for this and that not this piece of sH^T.6 years later she still wants me to sell the gn.If she only know how much i spend on the gn she would KILL me:eek:
When does this episode air on Judge Judy?

Hope it doesn't bro, go for it.

like i said before:
If your going to have her purchase you the gn then get it in writing that its a graduation gift to you so if anything was to happen, the gn stays with you.
like i said before:
If your going to have her purchase you the gn then get it in writing that its a graduation gift to you so if anything was to happen, the gn stays with you.

And if you don't mind, could you video it when you ask her to sign that paper. Should make for some entertainment, at least for everybody but you!! :tongue:
Wow, there are some bitter people here. Not all marriages FAIL. I have been happily married for 12 years, and plan to grow old and die with my wife. You guys make it sound like he is setting himself up for failure. Take the car, tell her thank you, and marry that good woman!!
And if you don't mind, could you video it when you ask her to sign that paper. Should make for some entertainment, at least for everybody but you!! :tongue:

Ha, yeah agreed. I'm sure she would sign a paper that says "When I break up with you I get to keep the GN." Why wouldn't she?
pablo needs to jus relax, first dont judge me, you do not know anything about me. 2nd how many people get graduation gifts every year? Car or not, im going to school. the girl was just trying to be nice, she jus always see's me on this webiste looking at cars for sale, sittin here watchn youtube video's for hrs . Thats when one day she was like when you graduate school ill buy you one. Not like i neeed motivation to goto school PABLO . you wanna speak your views so strong , go get paid to do it.