Will this affect the value of my car?


Jun 1, 2001
My regal is black. I want to paint it a factory color other than black. Will this really devalue my car at all? Black is very high maintinence and even though my car is not a GN, it seems most turbo regals are black and I just want to be a little different. Would anyone pass on a TR if it had a quality repaint in a non origional color? Im not sure if out cars are old enough for it to matter.
GN's only came in black but you could buy other T-Rs in any color so I don't see why painting it a different color would matter. I would stick with a GM color for that year though.
LOVE WHITE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
If it is an extremely rare or odd-optioned car I might think twice about it. Otherwise do what will make you happier. Silver and gun-metal are nice colors, don't see too many of those, and they hide dirt fairly well, esp the silver.