Whining/screeching sound


Sep 4, 2017
I have been hunting down this issue with my Buick for months now. Looking for more insight or ideas as what can be causing this since i'm almost out of ideas. Mind you I'm not a newbie when it comes to these cars. I have been wrenching on them for years now. Yet every now and then these cars can leave me stumped. Its a 87 with an awful whining sound which starts around 60 mph which sounds a lot like a turbos wheel hitting the housing. I have covered all the basics such as vacuum leaks, loose connections, turbo play on both sides, brake pads, rotors, calipers and wheel bearings. After all these were inspected or replaced I was led to believe it was a certain rear end issue. Fast forward to a rear end complete rebuild with new gears, bearings, seals and axles. Upon disassembly I found the passenger side carrier bearing and race having pitting in them. this was the only issue other then the axles a little worn. Thought this was for sure my issue. Took it on its maiden voyage and what do you know sound is still there. It seems when my passenger side window is down it sounds loudest compared to when the driver side window is down. Ill appreciate any help I can get on this issue. It really bothers me when i'm on the highway and my car sounds like Freddy from Nightmare on Elm street with blades going across a chalk board.