To All Turbo Buick Vendors-THANK YOU


Ponies Are For Lil Girls
Feb 11, 2005
I just want to thank all our tb vendors. These guys have put in the hard work racing, selling, and developing parts for our cars. It is a real task dealing with us as buyers. I see now that we as buyers are all not like me. Pay for it and thank you. I see people will try to get the best deal possible while minimizing your profits because i am sure you guys arent making a killing off of us. I can honestly say its a hard job being a vendor and then answering questions and calls while trying to finish projects in the shop. Thanks again and I look forard to doing more business with you guys.
Jeff from NYC..
Yes many thanks to all the supporting vendors.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Any time guys. Its the least I can do besides buying parts. People take it for granted. I can totally understand why vendors leave. I manage a 75 family building all w diff personalities and I can only imagine what its like to deal w hudreds more w only a handfull buying parts n not just kicking tires. All I can say is I hope you guys stay around as long as you can. Enjoy the weekend boys :cool:
Thanks Jeff.:)

Being a vendor is like anything else in life. "It is what you make of it". Shane has worked hard to surround this site with quality vendors. I feel honored to be one of them. You have good and bad people in all areas of life. I do feel that there is a much higher percentage of good people here than on most any other car site. As lurkers, members, or as vendors, we are all truly blessed here.

Thanks for the thread.
Happy spooling.

Mike Barnard