Sometimes a lot of spark retard when first starting up

GN owner

May 25, 2001
I have been running T/L for awhile and every so often whenever I first start up the car, T/L shows a large amount of retard (+20 degrees for awhile) as it is idling and warming up. It then goes down to zero after awhile. Do you know what might be causing this? Is this something that I should be concerned about? The mods that I have are in my signature. Thank you for any help you can send my way.
I don't know if this is the same but I just received Direct Scan and somebody gave me a file of their car making a run to play with.
I noticed that while the car is idling the Spark Retard is like 24*. Then when they floor it it jumps to 32+* and stays around 32-34* until around 4000rpm where it falls to 18*. I'm guessng that 18* is the programmed timing in the chip but what is this 32-34* timing?
Wouldn't a car rev better from an idle if the timing was low??

i'm gettin the same thing and the idle is high. but mine dont go away. :confused:
That's probably the ALDL FET got zapped in the cable...

Go to the Numeric Screen and look at "ECM STATUS" down in the right hand quadrant of the screen. It probably says "ALDL". The bogus readings are because the car is in ALDL, but TurboLink is in NORMAL mode. The data streams are different, so TurboLink gets confused.

You can verify it by setting TurboLink in ALDL mode (Set ECM) and then going to the data displays and they should "clean up", since the modes now match.

  • 1. A temporary fix is to CAREFULLY take apart the PC end of the cable (TAKE CAREFUL NOTE OF HOW THE STRAIN RELIEF COLLAR AND WIRES ARE RUN).

    2. Snip the ORANGE wire where it goes into the board (it should be the wire closest to the PC connector).

    3. Reassemble the shell and test. It should disable the ALDL mode and everything should work OK in NORMAL mode. When you can spare the cable, send it back to me with a note and I'll fix it up for you (a new FET and a dab of solder and you're as good as new).

These little CMOS FETs used to switch in and out of ALDL mode seem to either last forever (I just saw serial number 003 a short time ago and upgraded it! Still going strong!) or they blow the first time you get a little static from sliding across the seat.

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