SE Turbo Exhaust??

Just a Six??

OK! Who Farted??
Jul 4, 2003
Can anyone tell me what the added bracket is for thats up by where the 2 pipes split? You can see it good in the 3rd & 4th pics. Is it for a Monte or something? Maybe some Generic bracket we dont use?
Also, if anyone has used the SE systems, the clips on the tailpipes for mounting brackets/hangars etc that are welded on, Usable for a GN? If not any suggestions? Think the cutoff wheel & grinder are coming out today?

Buick, turbo buick, grand national, ttype, gnx, 3.8, regal, 84-87
Bracket is for the hanger to hold that section of the exhaust in place & hopefully prevent the pipes from banging against the floor.
Thanks! I took a look this morning & IMO is sort of a Cheapo Way to do it but I'll make it work with some mods & stock hangars.
Another Question??? I notice that the Stock hangar for Cat & Pipe connection is too small to fit over 2 big pipes. 2 holes line up but not the 3rd. Is it common to do some grinding on the clamp to make it fit? Another solution? Some grinding will work but weakens the hangar some correct? guess its not a lot but they dont have a ton of meat on them? I can see any system having this issue so there must be a common fix for big dual setups?