Repro Buick Grand National Hood Insulator

Sal Lubrano

Active Member
Apr 26, 2002
I needed a hood insulator pad and any NOS is going for $350 plus shipping. Can anyone take the plain style and repro it for less??? Just a thought??
I know some one who say's they might be able to do them using the non painted GM ones, but he needs a sample to copy it. He also would like to find out about what it takes to license the GM and Power six logos so this can be legit.
I think Kirban used to sell these for a hundred bucks a pop until they ran out. Somebody PLEASE get these made again. (and umm.... for a reasonable price please) :)

Also, not a big deal for us hot air guys since its easy to modify the 86/87 pads
its been too cold here to pull mine off to take and take proper measurements. but i already am on this
Anyone? With a REAL style pad yet? Not a piece of flat carpet.

Try www . nos4gn . com (take out the spaces)

I got mine from Glen and I'm pleased. He uses the actual gm pad. Only catch is they are the 8 hole version instead of the original 9 hole version. Not a big deal, only $249, and he crates them up real nice.
Is the Seturbo on "the piece of flat carpet" you speak of? I just looked at the website and it looks pretty close $200- Better than current NOS pricing but still kinda steep.