recommend a restaurant - orlando area


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2001
I'm taking the family down for the Disney thing next week. One night my inlaws are going to watch the kids so my wife and I can go out for our anniversary.

my wife wanted either a quaint and quiet place, or someplace fun.

Got any recommendations, nothing real expensive, our budget is a little tight.


We're staying Kissimmee

You can't do quaint and quiet in Orlando, you will miss out on to much.:D

Seriously, I would try going some place fun. I thought the medieval times places were a lot of fun (there are two).

If you really like cars, the race rock cafe is cool. The food isn't the best.

Then again, you might feel quilty if you go to one of these places without the kids.

If you like music I heard the House of Blues was really cool. I heard the food was good also.

Good luck.
House of blues and Medieval times sound good.

The kids are 3 and almost 5 so they should be tired and cranky by the time we go out. ;)