Players Run - Road Rally from Los Angeles to Miami



There's going to be held a road rally from Los Angeles to Miami in February 2003: the Players Run. The Players Run is held between 15th February 2003 - 22nd February 2003. We even have celebs (for those who care).

You find further information about the Players Run on

After putting the stickers of the Players Run and our sponsors on your car you are allowed to put stickers of your company on the car, too!

One of the specials: Players Run has already 10% of the total tour closed by police for full speed driving and you will have the opportunity to drive on a few major US tracks. Have you ever thought about driving with your supercar as fast as you want on an US freeway? That'll be a blast!

We are also producing a coverage about the Players Run which will be sold to a TV station. Every car will be shown with your stickers in that special. Great advertisment for your company! Besides we're going to produce a Players Run DVD. Isn't that a great benefit participating in the Players Run?

Players will actually finish the mission in another country (but same day).

Entry fee is US $ 7500.-

(for one car with 2 persons, so you can share the costs)

Players Run is an 'by invitation only' event. Limit of cars is 100.

Less than 50 spots left ... So just fill out the online application form:
Here are some more information about the Players Run:

This Cannonballrun-style charity event is held between 15th February 2003 - 22nd February 2003. You find our website on

Players Run will start at a secret location at 10 am on the 15th of February 2003. There you will receive your first clues which will lead you to the first driving event. From there you will continue to your first overnight stop. More than 2500 miles on the road, racetracks and other driving events and many more clues to solve are now awaiting you. You will almost touch the Mexican border, then make your way through Texas to New Orleans and from there down to Florida. The world will watch you and your competitors on TV and the Internet on your way to your final destination. You have to arrive in Miami in time to make it to the secret spot for the grand finale.

The event is only as competitive as you want it to be. We use a point system for every driving event. At the end we add up the points to declare the winner. On public highways only the time difference between the set time and the time given in the logbook will be taken into account. On 'closed roads events' the closest average time to your tech time gets you maximum points. On track events the fastest time brings in the most points. On drag strips and other tracks the winning time is calculated in again. This ensures an equal chance for every competitor to win.

We will also give you other interesting challenges to solve which again will count for overall. On the other hand you may just want to enjoy the route and some of the most beautiful scenery the southern US has to offer. Conscious of the peculiarities of supercars, their occasionally limited comfort and their low ground clearance, the Players Run organization has chosen a route that avoids too winding roads or poor surfaces. Either way in the case you get stuck you will have access to immediate assistance. Every day you will leave around 9.00 am (with you the destination address in a sealed envelope).No matter how competitive you want to be in this run, you will arrive with enough time to relax and reflect the amazing day at the pool before dinner. At the grand finale you will then hopefully be rewarded with an award. Despite being exhausted from this week you party into the night with your new friends.

The edge of this run is the mystery effect of the events for the drivers, that's why we cannot give out too many details about it in public.

Entry fee for one car / 2 persons is US $ 7500.- and includes charity, hotels, meals, all events, all tracks, transportation, photo production, gear, service and more. Players Run is an 'by invitation only' event.

If you have any questions about the event, grid list, celebrity and media involvement or other, please, do not hesitate to contact us. You find our email addresses, phone numbers and a forum on

Welcome to another insane week in paradise: