Ltft Tuning Question


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
Here's a quick question my 02'S are the normal 920 where they should be for a grand prix GTP the car pulls hard gets no KR but my LTFT go from 7 or 8 to -10.2 the second the alky kicks on. Do I need to reduce nozzle sizes or run a lesser concentration of alky.

I already went down from a M15 and M4 to a M4 and M5 nozzle and it did not change anything. Still no KR but -10's on my LTFT
I'm sure this is costing me some power. If I lean the car out any more I start to get KR any suggestions?
How bout dropping boost with a higher turnon point. Does that minimize the problem.

The L67's appear to like running higher concentrations of water. Oddly enough it is the one platform that responds this way.

Next time I get to play with the 03 GS I did.. i'll see how the autotap responds to the water/mixes.

And I know some where having some issues.. talk with Rob Archer or Chris Spratt see what they ran into tuning theirs in.

Dunno. I have only 1 hour of play time on these vehicles.
I'll give that a try Razor, I'm going to try strait distilled water and them work up from there. Grand prix do hate the high methonol mixes, It gives us KR.