just in from Vegas!


Staff member
May 25, 2001
just got back from Vegas, shows were awesome, food was plentiful, sights were excellent. Got a chance to go to the top of the stratosphere and ride the High Roller with the video camera:)


also a look at the Big Shot from right below


I rode the high roller once sitting on the outside seat. Just looking over scared me more than enough. Been on plenty of roller coasters but that was the most frightening for me just because of the height.

After that ride my girlfriend rode the big shot by herself. That was enough fun for me for one day!
I went a few months back but didnt get a chance to do any of the thrill rides, was in and out quickly on business. I did have enough time from 7pm-3:30 am. to win 900 playing BlackJack though :)

Did you go by the Hardrock and see Stern? He's there all wk.
sydwyndr, play any Pai Gow poker? Vegas is a great place to find low action table games! Hard to beat a $2 craps table:D