How many times a day do you hear this!

Big Mike

Don't Piss me Off!
Jun 3, 2002
Ya ,it is cold's winter!24 times I heard this today,going from job site to job site!Meanwhile I'm in a pullover and cargo pants(my work cloths).Good thing I work indoors!
Boy is it cold out there.
Then I would suggest leaving it in.
BTW my kid called from Thunder bay said it was minus 40.
I worked Pipeline 3 winters in a row up Northern Ontario in Kapuskasing/Kirkland Lake area . Now that's cold ! The first day i pulled into town I noticed the Mcdonalds and in front on my motel room had these post with receptacles in the parking lot . I thought to my self "what the hell are these things for . My brand new truck will start in any cold weather " .Boy was I wrong , I found out the very next morning when the only sound that can from my truck was a "click- ur" . The Pipeline company use to hire a security guard on the right of way in the middle of the bush and leave some of the equipment running 24/7 . we would used these propane flame throwers to warm up the 42" pipe, shacks and equipment in the morinings . It was so cold my "marbles" crawled up inside of me and never came out for the 4 months each time I was up there . " Boy was it cold up there" ! :D .
Mike, you little wimp! Put some meat on those bones. Don't make this old man come over there and straighten you out. ;)
Ya ...Ok! Mike ...have you been watching Rocky movies again?lol
Are You (yes you old fart)comming to the Speedoramma with Dennis and I?Billy T is gona meet us there also.I called you earlier friday night but your daughter said she was using your cell for the night.Call and let us know!And No ,I'm never cold !
Later old man!
Mike... I may be going to Speedorama today (Saturday) because I'm working tomorrow. I'll be working at SkyDome. What time are you meeting? I could slide over.
Not sure what time it would be .I have to call Dennis and get a hold of Billy.You still have my cell phone numbers?call my privt cell sunday or I will call you and let you know.
BTW ,85 vet with a few mods(ha ha) ,I thought it was stock! lol
see you later !