Gateway BPE June Meeting


Mar 17, 2006
The June meeting of the Gateway Buick Performance Enthusiasts will be at 1:30pm on June 13th at:

Deaver's Restaurant
2109 Charbonier Road
Florissant, MO 63031
(314) 838-0002

They are located in a shopping plaza on the northwest corner of Shackelford and Charbonier in the northwestern area of St. Louis county.

The newsletter will be sent out to members prior to the meeting. Please send any articles and announcements to this email address for publication ASAP.

Many of you received an email about your expired memberships in the last week. If not renewed by or at the meeting, you will be removed from our roster. Many of you have already resolved this, and I'm sure many of the rest of you will.

See you there!