Extreme Automatic Torque Converter?

Actually you are taking shots. Anytime my name is brought up vs your converter guy you begin taking shots. In this case and previous threads you have insinuated I'm mad because it's hurting my pocket. I take this personal because I have held current pricing for years through negotiations with suppliers, even taking a hit myself. It's never been about money with me, it's been about helping the Buick community run faster. I'm being the nice guy here and not posting details out of respect for others involved. I'm sure you do not speak for them or I would have turned the lights on already.

You may see it that way but I don't intend it to come off that way. If you're not making money selling converters how is that the problem of the consumer??

There are converters out there that are less expensive and perform as well as the PTC. Your builder chooses to make a custom piece and price that in to the converter and pass it on to you which in turn you have to pass on to the consumer. If it costs 3/400 bucks for the stator then so be it and that's just the cost of doing business. I tig weld at a nuclear bomb plant for a living so I know what a good welder gets paid.

Contrary to what you may think of me we both want to help the buick community. I may have read you wrong but why is it that when people order a converter from you they brag about buying a 9.5 NLU that costs over a grand for their car that may be pushing 5/600 hp at best. We both know that it's overkill for them and a cheaper one will give them what they need performance wise. I only bring this up because maybe only 10% or less of the TR owners would need a nuclear 9". That converter performs best in a 850 and up HP car. I run a 9.5 LU in a ten second street car that sees the track not the other way around. How many TR race cars are really driven on the street??

I know you say they will grow into it and it will be cheaper in the long run as you have said in the past but if I can run into the low tens with a LU the guy running elevens doesn't need a NLU except for the cool factor or bragging rights especially if it's a street car first.

Dave sells the 3021 for 4/500 less than a 9.5NLU and it accomplishes the same thing for less.

I as well as others do appreciate that you want to help the community run faster. The problem with democracy and capitalism is that with success comes competition from others that want success as well and to achieve it they must come in with a better price, performance or in some cases both.

My builder could have just copied the PTC and made money on it as well but instead looked at how he could do it better and with less custom parts.

After testing on many different combos he has it nailed down just like you did with PTC. The big difference between the two converters tested in a 9 sec. street strip car was that the motor wasn't brutalized on the start like it was with the PTC and it ran a tenth quicker back when it was first tested.

Both converters have a market and both perform well.

I say do the testing and let the results speak for themselves.
After testing on many different combos he has it nailed down just like you did with PTC. The big difference between the two converters tested in a 9 sec. street strip car was that the motor wasn't brutalized on the start like it was with the PTC and it ran a tenth quicker back when it was first tested.

I say do the testing and let the results speak for themselves.

If the converters have been tested back to back with good data why hasn't that posted somewhere (or maybe it has and I missed it?)? I don't own any of the converters in question and have no agenda, but if there is real back to back data I would like to see it.
The reason there isn't more data on this forum is because the people doing the testing don't frequent this board to avoid the eventual animosity that always arises when this subject is brought up.

That's why when Brian posted his results I thanked him for doing so and proving the worth of these converters.