dyno day/open house


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
anyone interested in dyno day/open house at Eric Rankin and Chad Longos new shop in south windsor ct,Eric has been real busy and i dont think he has posted it here,it will be on june 8th,i think eric said $50 or $60 for three pulls with o2 using whatever fuel you want on the brand new dyno.he also said that they will have food. you can dyno or just watch and check out the new shop.any questions call them at 860-289-1701.
I'll be there with one car. :)

Thanks for the thread Steve!

Be up to look at the WE4 as soon as I'm layed off in July. ;)
will see you guys there,i also havent seen anyone in a while.they should have some interesting cars there.
Steve your car was interesting as it was a true fast street car. :)

Race cars ain't so interesting to me. ;)

Hope you get another Buick soon, well besides the one in the backyard. :D

Should be a good dyno. day!!!
hopefully the weather will be good, but even if it rains they will still be doing it.will see you guys there
It's a Go 25-30 cars and lots of BS a From North (Springfield Area)
91 south to 291 East after crossing river Take first Exit
(East Hartford /South Windsor) Take a left onto Rt5 North
Go Aprox 1.5 miles till the intersection With Govenors Highway
(Fleet bank on Left) Go Rt on Govenors Highway take first left
onto Nutmeg Rd North #665 Near end of Road Sign out front.

From South 91 North till Exit 36 (291) Then follow directions

From West Rt 84 to 91 North Then follow above directions.

From East 84 East till 291 west Aprox exit 60
once on 291 take first exit For Rt5 and follow above directions

If coming Rt5 south to South Windsor look for Nassau Furniture
take left onto Strong Rd Then First stopsign Take a Rt onto
Nutmeg Rd North Second Building on Right is Us

Unlimited Motorsports and Paint Inc
665 Nutmeg Rd North
South Windsor Ct. 06074
860-289-1701mongst Friends
Allan.......You been to the new shop yet?? First class all the way!! I'll be there early(around 7:30am). See ya............. :D

I'll be there, and looking for some parts too.

I am in need of front under car braces, under hood braces, GNX bushings, and soft compound rear brake shoes. If anyone has these parts, drop me a note here and bring them with you. I'll bring a mint CSII radio and speakers for sale. Thanks. John.
I Stopped By there today. All I can say is WOW. That place is HUGE....
When he gets it the way he told me he wants to It will have it All.
Eric is a Great guy & I wish him the best....Thanks Eric.
See you guys on Sun..
