Anyone using a blow off valve


How do we size these valves? Turbo magazine had an article listing all the available valves. Unfortunately, they purposefully declined to touch the issue of picking a valve for your car.
I would be interested to hear from any and all owners with BOV's.
Conrad Carter
You will need to use the larger, if not the largest BOVs that any of the companys sell. If you need suggestions, email me and I will let you know which ones will work with the TR. Thanks.
Seems to me that the guys saying a BOV isn't necessary are turbo builders. I have also seen a BOV remove compressor surge on a car or the jerkiness during part throttle on some cars. I wouldn't mind installing one to simply get rid of that. No BOV here yet though..... I also think if you have a blowoff valve that has 2 vac lines connected to it like a wastegate, the amount of boost you run should never have a BOV open but like I said before.... I do not have one.