.82 housing on a TA 49


Active Member
Aug 20, 2001
I just picked up a used ta 49 and to my suprise it has a .82 A/R exhaust housing. On a slightly motified motor with speed pro 204-214 cam, home port (gasket match) heads & intake & 868 injectors. Will this hurt me if I run about 3000 stall. What kind of results should I expect ?
Originally posted by boostmaster
What kind of results should I expect ?

I would expect you ran out of injector pretty fast if you take it to the track.
Well I was hoping for a little more detail than that, but FYI I'm running an 85 hot air w/alky and only hope to run consistant mid 12'S. My understanding was that 868's were good well into the high 11's.
The 3000 stall will probably be a must with that 82 housing. As UNGN said, you will run out of injector pretty quick. Yea you can probably go 11's with 36lbers, as UNGN has done himself, but I'm pretty sure that was with a stock motor. With ported heads, cam, etc, your injectors are going to run out on the top end.
That turbo with the 3K stall will pull really nice!

You seriously need larger injectors though. They might "work", but with your combo, it seems a little to small for me. Maybe some 50s. That way, you will have something to grow into.